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Re: [libredwg] R2010 - string stream and handle stream after common vari

From: gagan
Subject: Re: [libredwg] R2010 - string stream and handle stream after common variables?
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 20:11:01 +0530

On Jan 21, 2014 5:23 PM, "Felipe Castro" <address@hidden> wrote:
> Yes, I understood, but I donĀ“t remember very well, because I tested a bit the "refactoring" some time ago, and I agree that it doesn't give proper results, and also, I think I have commented about some of those problems, but none here took seriously or had the time to answer in that moment. So, I decided to re-fork and work by my side, with more freedom.

Have you correct those errors ? Can I refork libdwg and integrate my API in it ?

"Jai Sai Naath"

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