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[libreplanet-discuss] NewEvents Was: Libre-Planet Re: opinions please: e

From: Andrés Muñiz Piniella
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] NewEvents Was: Libre-Planet Re: opinions please: expanding the definition of "software freedom"
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 06:34:31 +0000
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

El 22 de marzo de 2015 23:13:49 GMT+00:00, pogiako <> 

>Free Software events are upcoming? Please tell me, I live in Dubai, 
>United Arab Emirates. To those who know of events nearby my place, 
>please please tell me! This place sucks, does not have much Free 
>Software traction! :( I must spread Free Software :D Haha! No, 
>seriously. :)

Hi, after wondering why there wasn't anything in my area I just did a local 
And I am doing a local event

If you notice, there is only one event in UK. And maybe it will only be me 
showing up but I am sure others will show up soon. At least the map of UK is 
not empty.

Like one of the talks last night: all you need is a community room and the will 
to ask to use it. Unless you already something better! I am sure there are 
others like you in Dubai. You just might be the first one in Libre Planet 
mailing list.

In fact, I just found that there is an fsf labeled group on the, I am pretty 
sure proprietary, meetup web page. And there are meetings in Dubai. I would 
discourage it's use as many of the groups seem to be 'open software' and not 
Free. But I started my group then went to one of these meetups. Told them I had 
a place just as long as we did community focused stuff (only libre). Eventually 
meetup was abandoned and we now have wikimedia and mailman.
I can give more details if needed but all you need is to want a local group.
Ham United Group

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