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(patch) refman grammar fixes

From: Graham Percival
Subject: (patch) refman grammar fixes
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 01:23:24 -0700

There's one possible problem with this patch: the section on chromatic
alterations doesn't display correctly (cautionary accidentals don't have
parentheses), but that's a general LilyPond bug.  Once the underlying
bug is fixed, the example in chromatic alterations should work
perfectly, so I'm submitting this patch now anyway.  :)

It doesn't do as much as I hope to do (so far it's only minor fixes), but
something's better than nothing.

2002-09-28   Graham Percival   <address@hidden>
        * Documentation/user/refman.itely: grammar and phrasing
          fixes to "Note Entry" section.  Also adds a few new examples.

- Graham

Attachment: patch-refman.txt
Description: Binary data

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