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Re: PianoPedalBracket

From: Chris Jackson
Subject: Re: PianoPedalBracket
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 13:50:16 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021130

Heikki Johannes Junes wrote:

It is hard to include the last note in the PianoPedalBracket. Following
the advices at:

I constructed the following example, which shows the bad behaviour:

\score {
   \notes \transpose c' c' {
%       Unfortunately, changing property here make it look bad:
%        o     o     o
%       S.P.__\_/_____|

        \property Staff.PianoPedalBracket \override
                #'shorten-pair = #'(0 . -1.6)
        c1 \sostenutoDown
        d1 \sostenutoUp \sostenutoDown

%       Changing property did not include the last note:
%        o     o     o
%       S.P.__/\____|
%       \property Staff.PianoPedalBracket \override
%               #'shorten-pair = #'(0 . -1.6)


So, either
   (i)  the last note is included, and there is the bad behaviour (above),
or (ii) the last note is not included, and brackets look beatiful.

Summarizing, one should be able either
   (i) change the property just before \sotesnutoUp or \sostenutoDown,
or (ii) have a property to change the ending bracket angle only and
       document it also.

If you apply the shorten-pair property before the "d1" note, in your example above, you should get the behaviour you want. Applying the property before
the "c1" affects the length of the first bracket, because the property is
applied before the first bracket is created (with the first \sostenutoDown). Applying it before the "e1" doesn't make any difference to the second bracket,
as the bracket has already been created (with the second \sostenutoDown)
before the property is applied.

It's the default to not include the final note, as (IMO) this represents
releasing the pedal and depressing the note simultaneously.


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