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collision with and alignment of rehearsal marks

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: collision with and alignment of rehearsal marks
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 07:55:00 +0100 (CET)

[lilypond 2.7.31]

Some problems with rehearsal marks.

. Now that I can say

    \set Score.rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol = #'clef

  I wonder what I must do to globally avoid collisions between, say,
  treble clefs and boxed rehearsal marks.  Using the `padding'
  property isn't a good solution, obviously...

  IMHO it would be best if rehearsal marks were included in the
  collision resolution algorithm.  Can a user force LilyPond to do

. Shouldn't the argument of rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol be rather a list
  of symbols?

    \set Score.rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol = #'(bar
                                             (clef . 3))

  If there is a bar, align with the bar.  If there is a key signature,
  align with the key signature.  If there neither a bar nor a key
  signature but a clef, align with the clef, using a horizontal offset
  of 3 units.  Otherwise, use the default location.

  This example is rather realistic -- if there is a repeat bar
  starting a line, the rehearsal number should be positioned on it and
  not on the clef.

. What actually is the default location of a rehearsal mark at the
  beginning of a staff and in the middle?  It's not documented.

. Currently, the location of rehearsal marks at the beginning of a
  line appears to be completely unpredictable if
  rehearsalMarkAlignSymbol isn't set (see attached files).  Looks like
  a bug...

\version "2.7.31"

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\paper {
  indent = 0.0\mm

klar = \relative c' {
  \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers

  \mark \default \time 3/2 f8[ f' r f,] d[ f r f] g[ f a f] |
  r8 f'[ r f,] d[ f r f] g[ f a f] |
  r8 f[ g f] a[ f r f] g[ f a f] |
  g8[ a c a] g[ f d f] c[ d f g] |

  a8[ c d f] r g[ e d] f[ r a, c] |
  \time 2/2 d8[ f r g] e[ d f] r |
  \time 3/2 c8[ r d] r f[ g r g] e[ d f] r |
  \mark \default \time 11/8 f,8[ d r d] a[ d r d] b[ d g] |

  \mark \default d8[ f r d] a[ d r f] b,[ d g] |
  d8[ f r d] a[ d r f] b,[ d g] |
  \time 3/4 f8[ d a f' b, g'] |
  \time 11/8 f8[ d r f] a,[ d r f] b,[ d g] |

  \time 1/2 f8[ d g c,] |
  \mark \default \time 5/4 a'8[ d, r a'] c[ f, r c'] d[ g,] |
  a8[ d, r a'] c[ f, r c'] d[ g,] |
  \time 1/2 c8[ f, d' g,] |
  \time 5/4 a8[ d, r a'] c[ f, r c'] b[ g] |

  a8[ d, r a'] c[ f, r c'] b[ g] |
  \time 1/2

\score {
  \new Staff \relative c' {


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