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Re: New pages for bugs and doc suggestions

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: New pages for bugs and doc suggestions
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 21:00:59 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061207)

Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
%% the octovation command doesn't do anything.

'octavation' is misspelled.


I wonder if it would be worthwhile advising new bughunters to ask
-devel or -user if they're not sure it is a bug they have found.
Sometimes bugs are just lack of experience with Lily.

Generally such cases answer themselves when people try to create their minimally small examples. That's one of the reasons we insist on them. :)

If somebody creates a minimally small false bug report, I'll take that as good evidence that I need to update the relevant doc pages.

In 'doc adding':

"Here is an imaginary example of a perfect documentation report:"

Are you saying that perfect doc reports are imaginary ? ;-)

Well, I _was_ (I was irritated when I first wrote that). I suppose that's not very encouraging, though. :)

I would
change the word 'perfect' to, oh I don't know, 'good'?

I changed it to "Here is an example of a perfect documentation report:"

Again, it might be good to advise prospective doc helpers to check
with the lists (or even you directly) if they have an idea for

I added that to the "replacing large sections" part. I don't think it's necessary for the small additions.

I've updated these in git; it may take an hour or two before they're visible on the website.

- Graham

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