$LANGUAGES->{'ja'} = { ' The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:' => 'ナビゲーションパネル中のボタンには以下の意味があります。', ' where the @strong{ Example } assumes that the current position is at @strong{ Subsubsection One-Two-Three } of a document of the following structure:' => '@address@hidden', ' Up ' => '上', '%{acronym_like} (%{explanation})' => '', '%{month} %{day}, %{year}' => '%{year}年%{month}月%{day}日', '%{name} of %{class}' => '', '%{name} on %{class}' => '', '%{node_file_href}' => '', '%{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => '', '%{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '', '%{reference_name}' => '', '%{style} %{number}' => '', '%{style}: %{caption_first_line}' => '', '%{style}: %{shortcaption_first_line}' => '', '@b{%{quotation_arg}:} ' => '', '@cite{%{book}}' => '', 'About' => '', 'About (help)' => '', 'About This Document' => 'この文書について', 'April' => '4月', 'August' => '8月', 'Back' => '', 'Back section in previous file' => '', 'Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => '', 'Button' => 'ボタン', 'Contents' => '目次', 'Cover (top) of document' => '', 'Current Position' => '現在位置', 'Current section' => '', 'December' => '12月', 'FastBack' => '', 'FastForward' => '', 'February' => '2月', 'First' => '', 'First section in reading order' => '', 'Following' => '', 'Following node' => '', 'Footnotes' => '脚注', 'Forward' => '', 'Forward section in next file' => '', 'From 1.2.3 go to' => '1.2.3項からの移動先', 'Go to' => '移動先', 'Index' => '見出し', 'Index Entry' => '見出し一覧', 'January' => '1月', 'July' => '7月', 'Jump to' => '移動', 'June' => '6月', 'Last' => '', 'Last section in reading order' => '', 'March' => '3月', 'May' => '5月', 'Menu:' => 'メニュー', 'Name' => '名称', 'Next' => '次', 'Next chapter' => '', 'Next file' => '', 'Next node' => '', 'Next section in reading order' => '', 'Next section on same level' => '', 'NextFile' => '', 'Node following in node reading order' => '', 'Node up' => '', 'NodeNext' => '', 'NodePrev' => '', 'NodeUp' => '', 'November' => '11月', 'October' => '10月', 'Overview' => '概要', 'Overview:' => '概要:', 'Prev' => '前', 'PrevFile' => '', 'Previous file' => '', 'Previous node' => '', 'Previous section in reading order' => '', 'Previous section on same level' => '', 'Section' => '項', 'Section One' => '第1項', 'See %{node_file_href}' => '', 'See %{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'See %{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'See %{reference_name}' => '', 'See @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'See section %{reference_name}' => '', 'See section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'September' => '9月', 'Short Table of Contents' => '簡略化した目次', 'Short table of contents' => '', 'Subsection One-Four' => '第1.4項', 'Subsection One-One' => '第1.1項', 'Subsection One-Three' => '第1.3項', 'Subsection One-Two' => '第1.2項', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Four' => '第1.2.4項', 'Subsubsection One-Two-One' => '第1.2.1項', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Three' => '第1.2.3項', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Two' => '第1.2.2項', 'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d', 'Table of Contents' => '目次', 'Table of contents' => '', 'The node you are looking for is at %{href}.' => '', 'This' => '', 'This document was generated by @emph{%{user}} on @emph{%{date}} using @uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 'address@hidden@address@hidden, @emph{%{program}}}を用いて生成されました。', 'This document was generated by @emph{%{user}} using @uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 'address@hidden@uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}を用いて生成されました。', 'This document was generated on @i{%{date}} using @uref{%{program_homepage}, @i{%{program}}}.' => 'address@hidden@uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}を用いて生成されました。', 'This document was generated using @uref{%{program_homepage}, @emph{%{program}}}.' => 'address@hidden, @emph{%{program}}}を用いて生成されました。', 'Top' => '冒頭', 'Untitled Document' => '無題の文書', 'Up' => '', 'Up node' => '', 'Up section' => '', 'by @emph{%{user}}' => '@emph{%{user}}', 'by @emph{%{user}} on @emph{%{date}}' => '@emph{%{user}}, @emph{%{date}', 'current' => '現在位置', 'on @emph{%{date}}' => '@emph{%{date}}', 'section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '@cite{%{book}}の `%{section}\' ', 'see %{node_file_href}' => '%{node_file_href}参照', 'see %{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}' => '%{node_file_href} @cite{%{book}}参照', 'see %{node_file_href} section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'see %{reference_name}' => '', 'see @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'see section %{reference_name}' => '', 'see section `%{section}\' in @cite{%{book}}' => '', 'unknown' => '不明' }; $T2H_OBSOLETE_STRINGS->{'ja'} = { 'about (help)' => '使用法 (ヘルプ)', 'beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => 'この章または前の章の冒頭', 'cover (top) of document' => '文書の表紙 (トップ)', 'current section' => '現在の節', 'first section in reading order' => '文書順で前の項', 'following node' => '次の節', 'index' => '見出し', 'last section in reading order' => '文書順で最後の項', 'next chapter' => '次の章', 'next node' => '次の節', 'next section in reading order' => '文書順で次の項', 'next section on same level' => '同じ階層にある次の項', 'node following in node reading order' => '文書順で次の節', 'node up' => '上の節へ', 'previous node' => '前の節', 'previous section in reading order' => '文書順で前の節', 'previous section on same level' => '同じ階層にある前の項', 'short table of contents' => '簡略化した目次', 'table of contents' => '文書の目次', 'up node' => '上の節', 'up section' => '上の項' };