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Re: PATCH: Improved tablature support

From: Mark Polesky
Subject: Re: PATCH: Improved tablature support
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 22:25:54 -0700 (PDT)

"address@hidden" wrote:

> a b c d\lefty e f g
> (above) \lefty has an intuitive association with the d.
> a b c \righty d e f g
> (above) \righty is intuitivly ambiguous, 
> (below), \righty has a false intuitive association with the 'c'
> a b c\righty d

This is an interesting point.

> If all \foo were right-associative it would be easy to read them.  Is it
> possible to make monadic operators right-associative so as to end this
> confusion?  Yes, i realize this could have a nasty impact; if done at all
> it would mean devising a new set of right-associative operators and
> deprecating the old ones (never eliminating them of course, such being the
> fate of deprecated stuff).

Imagine how convoluted the convert-ly rules would need to be... ugh.

> BTW, the average user lumps functions and operators together in his mind
> as thingys with similar syntax (\foo) that 'affect' notes. Unless the
> documentation stresses this issue with ample illustrations which are
> commented to this point it will remain a confusing muddle (do you _recall_
> which C operator binds more strongly, left-shift, or prefix-increment?).

I was thinking about this earlier today, what are LilyPond's
"operators"? I thought they might be these*:

- -- / /+ : < << > >> \! \ \( \) \+ \< \> \[ \]
! ' ( ) * + , - . / : = ? [ ] ^ _ { | } ~

Anyone know?
- Mark

* there are single and double angle-brackets here. Recently I've
  noticed some e-mail clients and/or mailing list archives do
  weird things with them (like removing them). Just in case you
  think I accidentally left something out!


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