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Doc build failure: pngtopnm: Error writing single byte sample to file

From: Harmath Dénes
Subject: Doc build failure: pngtopnm: Error writing single byte sample to file
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 16:50:48 +0100

Hi all,

I finally tried to build the docs myself again after older failed attempts to be able to test my translations locally. I'm on OS X 10.5 using MacPorts with latest LilyPond development binary installed. After installing the required dependencies via MacPorts and following the instructions of , the last command (nice make LILYPOND_EXTERNAL_BINARY=/Applications/ doc) fails with the following error message:

Invoking `pngtopnm ./fa/lily-f024223a.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2 2>/ dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null > ./fa/lily- f024223a.png'...
pngtopnm_: Error writing single byte sample to file
GS exited with status: 32256command failed: /Applications/LilyPond- -I ./ -I ./out-www -I ../../ input -I /Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation - I /Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation/ snippets -I ../../input/regression/ -I /Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/Documentation/included/ -I /Users/thsoft/ Development/lilypond-translation/mf/out/ -I /Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/mf/out/ -I /Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond- translation/Documentation/pictures -I /Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/Documentation/pictures/./out-www -dbackend=eps -- formats=ps,png,pdf -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts -- header=doctitle --header=doctitlefr --header=doctitlees -- header=doctitlede --header=doctitlenl --header=doctitleja -- header=doctitlehu --header=texidoc --header=texidocfr -- header=texidoces --header=texidocde --header=texidocnl -- header=texidocja --header=texidochu -dcheck-internal-types -ddump- signatures -danti-alias-factor=2 -I "/Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/out/lybook-db" -I "/Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/input/regression" -I "/Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/input/regression" -I "/Users/thsoft/Development/ lilypond-translation/input/regression/out-www" -I "/Users/thsoft/ Development/lilypond-translation/input" -I "/Users/thsoft/ Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation" -I "/Users/thsoft/ Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation/snippets" -I "/Users/ thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/input/regression" -I "/Users/ thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation/included" -I "/ Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/mf/out" -I "/Users/ thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/mf/out" -I "/Users/thsoft/ Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation/pictures" -I "/Users/ thsoft/Development/lilypond-translation/Documentation/pictures/out- www" --formats=eps --verbose -deps-box-padding=3.000000 -dread-file- list -dno-strip-output-dir "/Users/thsoft/Development/lilypond- translation/out/lybook-db/"
Child returned 1
make[3]: *** [out-www/collated-files.texi] Error 1
make[2]: *** [WWW-1] Error 2
make[1]: *** [WWW-1] Error 2
make: *** [doc-stage-1] Error 2

What could be the solution? Did anyone else encounter this?

FYI, the command is pngtopnm_ because I had to create a script for pngtopnm to run correctly as described in . So I renamed pngtopnm to pngtopnm_ and created /opt/local/bin/ pngtopnm with the following contents:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib
exec /opt/local/bin/pngtopnm_ "$@"

Thanks in advance,
Dénes Harmath

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