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Need help with building docs on openSUSE build service

From: Dave Plater
Subject: Need help with building docs on openSUSE build service
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:31:42 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091130 SUSE/3.0.0-1.1.1 Thunderbird/3.0

Hi, I maintain lilypond on openSUSE and am having a problem compiling
the documentation, a local build with rpmbuild succeeds but a chrooted
build fails seemingly on a ghostscript command. I've come to the
conclusion, after many long builds (one and a half hours locally and
half hour online), that something that ghostscript needs isn't installed
in the chrooted system or lilypond doesn't compile properly due to
something missing in the chrooted system.
The first doc compile error I hit which is only in the chrooted builds
build log is :-
Processing `/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/'
Interpreting music...
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...[8]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument

which the successful build has :-
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
warning: no PostScript font name for font `/usr/share/fonts/misc/b24.pcf.gz'
warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name

Things don't go well in the failed build from there on but continue for
quite a while with many "programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error:
invalid argument" errors.
At the end of the failed build log I get :-
error: failed files: "3f/"
Then, with the plus sign inserted at the begining of the two extra lines
fro the successful builds :-
e364e.png" -r202 "./03/lily-cabe364e.eps" -c quit'...
+ Invoking `pngtopnm ./2a/lily-03d90eb9.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
+ Invoking `gs  -dEPSCrop -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="./03/lily-cabe364e.png" -r202
"./03/lily-cabe364e.eps" -c quit'...
Invoking `pngtopnm ./03/lily-cabe364e.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
Invoking `gs  -dEPSCrop -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="./f3/lily-56ccab9f.png" -r202
"./f3/lily-56ccab9f.eps" -c quit'...
Invoking `pngtopnm ./f3/lily-56ccab9f.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
Invoking `gs  -dEPSCrop -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="./f4/lily-2976c566.png" -r202
"./f4/lily-2976c566.eps" -c quit'...
Invoking `pngtopnm ./f4/lily-2976c566.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
Invoking `gs  -dEPSCrop -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="./23/lily-236742d0.png" -r202
"./23/lily-236742d0.eps" -c quit'...
Invoking `pngtopnm ./23/lily-236742d0.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
Invoking `gs  -dEPSCrop -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile="./66/lily-7ec68366.png" -r202
"./66/lily-7ec68366.eps" -c quit'...
Invoking `pngtopnm ./66/lily-7ec68366.png.old | pnmscale -reduce 2
2>/dev/null | pnmtopng -compression 9 2>/dev/null >
                 given value (in dpi).
  safe (#f)                   Run in safer mode.
  separate-log-files (#f)     For input files `', `', ...
                              output log data to files `FILE1.log',
                              `FILE2.log', ...
  show-available-fonts (#f)
                              List available font names.
  strict-infinity-checking (#f)
                              Force a crash on encountering Inf and NaN
                              floating point exceptions.
  strip-output-dir (#f)       Don't use directories from input files while
                              constructing output file names.
  trace-memory-frequency (#f)
                              Record Scheme cell usage this many times per
                              second.  Dump results to `FILE.stacks' and
  trace-scheme-coverage (#f)
                              Record coverage of Scheme files in `FILE.cov'.
  verbose (#t)                Value of the --verbose flag (read-only).

command failed: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/out/bin/lilypond
-I ./ -I ./out-www -I ../../input -I ../../input/lsr/ -I
../../input/regression/ -I ../../input/manual/ -I ../../input/tutorial/
-I /usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/mf/out/ -I
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/mf/out/ -I
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/manual -I
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/Documentation -dbackend=eps
--formats=ps,png,pdf  -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts
--header=doctitle --header=doctitlefr --header=doctitlees
--header=doctitlede --header=doctitleja --header=texidoc
--header=texidocfr --header=texidoces --header=texidocde
--header=texidocja -dcheck-internal-types -ddump-signatures
-danti-alias-factor=2 -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/out/lybook-db"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/regression"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/regression"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/regression/out-www"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/lsr"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/regression"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/manual"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/tutorial"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/mf/out"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/mf/out"  -I
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/input/manual"  -I 
"/usr/src/packages/BUILD/lilypond-2.12.3/Documentation" --formats=eps --verbose
 -deps-box-padding=3.000000  -dread-file-list
Child returned 1

At the command failed point the successful build does this :-
Processing include: AAA-intro-regression.tely
Reading AAA-intro-regression.tely...
Writing snippets...
All snippets are up to date...

Hopefully attachments are allowed on this list, I've attached bzipped
lilypond.spec, failed_build.log and succeed_build.log in case they're
Mail was bounced, removing attachment, attaching specfile.

Any help will be much appreciated and a brief explanation will help me
to deal with problems such as this myself in future.
Dave Plater

Attachment: lilypond.spec
Description: Text document

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