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Outside staff priority for tuplet bracket and tuplet number

From: address@hidden
Subject: Outside staff priority for tuplet bracket and tuplet number
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 13:00:34 +0200

Hey all,

I'm running into a problem with the following snippet of code and, before I try 
to fix it, I was wondering if anyone knew why these two bits of code yielded 
the same result:

\relative c'' { \override Staff . TupletBracket #'outside-staff-priority = #0
\override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #500
<< { \times 2/3 { bes8^\trill bes^\trill bes^\trill } } \\ { \times 2/3 { c,8 c 
c } } >>

\relative c'' { \override Staff . TupletBracket #'outside-staff-priority = #500
\override Staff . Script #'outside-staff-priority = #0
<< { \times 2/3 { bes8^\trill bes^\trill bes^\trill } } \\ { \times 2/3 { c,8 c 
c } } >>

I would have guessed that the order of the number w/ respect to the script 
would have changed.


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