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Re: PATCHES: Countdown for June 6th

From: James Lowe
Subject: Re: PATCHES: Countdown for June 6th
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 18:17:43 +0100
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On 06/06/16 13:39, David Kastrup wrote:
Dan Eble <address@hidden> writes:

Also, I submitted a couple patches that do not appear in your list.
Did I miss a step somewhere?
Status "Started" rather than "Accepted".  Changed that right now.


Also as you may or may not have noticed I reference a URL in my pre-amble for Patch Countdown - this is Phil's own website that scrapes the three basic patch statuses including the 'started' Status and just shows the patches that therefore in the whoie process.

I just cut/paste that link. Google tracker used to me export various filters in a specific way that Allura doesn't so Phil's own website saves me some valuable time (and tedium) cutting and pasting directly out of Allura to be able to present in an email.

I could just list the URL and be done - as it shows more or less the same thing - but out of consideration for others I also list them.



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