papersize = "a4" \include "" global = \notes { \key d \minor \time 3/4 } sop = \notes\relative c''{ s2. s2. g8 r8 r2 } alt = \notes\relative c'{ s2. s2. s2. } ten = \notes\relative c{ s2. s2. s2. } bas = \notes\relative c''{ \stemUp \translator Staff = treble e8^#'(bold italic "I wanted to cut beaming,") \translator Staff = bass d,,8 [c bes] c4 \translator Staff = treble [e''8^#'(bold italic "but it didn't work the way I expected.")] \translator Staff = bass d,,8 [c bes] c4 \translator Staff = treble \context Voice = sop e''8_#'(bold italic "Explicitly merging works.") } \score { \context PianoStaff < \showStaffSwitch \context Staff = treble < \global \clef treble \context Voice = sop {\voiceOne \sop} \context Voice = alt {\voiceTwo \alt} > \context Staff = bass < \global \clef bass \context Voice = ten {\voiceOne \ten} \context Voice = bas {\voiceTwo \bas} > > \paper { } \header { piece="Var III" } }