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Re: Upgrade to lilypond 1.4.9 from 1.4.0

From: Russell Smiley
Subject: Re: Upgrade to lilypond 1.4.9 from 1.4.0
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 17:04:44 -0500

Oops. Sorry, I forgot to attach the files.

Here they are
Russell Smiley

Description: PostScript document

% Mudela file generated by Denemo version 0.5.5


        title = "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime"
        tagline = ""

global = \notes {
        \time 2/4
        \key bes \major

\include ""
Melody = \notes \context Voice = $Melody {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \clef treble
\repeat "volta" 3 {
\partial 8*1
        d'8 |
        g' a' bes' c'' |
        bes' a' g' f' |
        g' g' a' f' |
        g'4. d'8 |
        g' a' bes' c'' |
        bes' a' g' f' |
        g' bes' a' f' |
        g'4 r8 g' |
        d'' d'' a' bes' |
        c''8. bes'16 a'8 a' |
        bes' a' g' g' |
        a' g' g' f' |
        d' g' g'4 |
        f'8 ees' d'4 |
        g' f'8 d' |
        g' g'16 a' bes'8 c'' |
        d''4 d' |
\alternative {
        { \partial 8*3 g'4. }
        { \partial 8*3 bes'4. \bar "|." }
VoiceOne = \notes \context Voice = $VoiceOne {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \clef treble
\repeat "volta" 3 {
\partial 8*1
        d'8 |
        g'4 f' |
        ees' d' |
        c' bes8 a |
        g4 bes |
        c' ees' |
        d' d' |
        d' c' |
        bes r8 g'8 |
        f'4 f' |
        g' f'8 ees' |
        d'4. c'8 |
        bes4 c' |
        c'8 bes a4 |
        a d'8 c' |
        bes4 d' |
        ees' d' |
        c' bes8 a |
\alternative {
        { \partial 8*3 g4. }
        { \partial 8*3 g4. \bar "|." }
Bass = \notes \context Voice = $Base {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \property Staff.VoltaBracket = \turnOff
        \clef bass
\repeat "volta" 3 {
\partial 8*1
        d8 |
        g4 g |
        c d |
        ees d |
        g f |
        ees c |
        g bes, |
        ees d |
        g g,8 r |
        bes,4 d |
        ees f |
        bes, ees |
        c a, |
        bes, c |
        d d |
        ees d |
        c bes, |
        a, d |
\alternative {
        { \partial 8*3 g,4. }
        { \partial 8*3 g,4. \bar "|." }

verses = \lyrics {
        { 'Twas in the mon of win -- ter time, When all the birds had fled, 
That migh -- ty Git -- chi Man -- i -- tou Sent an -- gel choirs in -- stead; 
be -- fore their light the stars grew dim, And won - dering hun -- ters heard 
the hymn: }

        { With -- in a lodge of bro -- ken bark The ten -- der Babe was found, 
A rag -- ged robe of rab -- bit skin En -- wrapped His beau -- ty 'round; But 
as the hun -- ter braves drew nigh, The an -- gel song rang loud and high: }

        { O chil -- dren of the for -- est free, O sons of Man -- i -- tou, The 
ho -- ly Child of earth and heav'n Is born to -- day for you. Come, kneel be -- 
fore the ra -- diant Boy, Who brings you beau -- ty, peace, and joy: }

{ Je -- sus your King is born, Je -- sus is born in ex -- cel -- sis glo -- ri 
-- a. }

\score {
        \context StaffGroup = melody <
          \context Staff = mel <
                \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
                \property Staff.instrument = "Melody"
                \clef treble
          \context Lyrics \verses
          \context PianoStaff \notes <
            \context Staff = PianoOne <
            \context Staff = PianoTwo <
        \paper {
                linewidth = 16.0 \cm
        \midi {
                \tempo 4 = 60

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