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last few small errors

From: Macros The Black
Subject: last few small errors
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 00:09:49 -0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020311

Hi again !

I have last two ( I hope :)) ) problems in my music ...

1. numbering of measures has gone ! ... i don't understand why .. :(
2. last five lines have doubled their ending bars :( --> i don't know how to remove it 3. the first repeat -> alternative no.2 -> seconda volta 2 sign - doesn't have ending ..

perhaps #1 depends on #2 ?

thx for any issue


p.s.> .ly source attached
\version "1.4.13"
\header {
        title = "Brazilský tanec"
        filename = ""
        copyright = "Public Domain"

        enteredby = "Václav Bártík"
        maintainter = "Václav Bártík"
        maintainterEmail = "address@hidden"
        maintainerWeb = "";
        lastupdated = "2002/05/06"
        footer = "sazba:  Václav Bártík\\\\email: address@hidden"
        tagline = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter}"
\include ""
\score {
 \notes {
        \time 4/4
        \clef violin
        \key d \major
        \relative c'' {
                \stemUp s2 s8 d'8 [d, fis]
        \property Score.VoltaBracket \override #'minimum-space = #6.1
        \property Score.connectArpeggios = ##t
        \repeat volta 2 {
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp cis'''4 d''8 fis''4 [b''8 
a'' g''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { d1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'4 e'8 g'4 [b'8 cis'' 
d''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { e1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis''4 g'8 cis''4 [e''8 
a'' fis''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a1 }
        \bar "" \break \bar "|"
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'4 fis'8 a'4 [d'8 fis' 
a'] }
                        \context Voice = VB { d1 }
                \stemUp d8 [a'8 fis' d'] <fis4 fis'> <f f'>
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp r4 <b'4 g'> r8 [b'8 cis'' 
d''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { <e1 e'1> }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis''4 g'8 cis''4 [e''8 
a'' fis''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'4 fis'8 a'4 d'''8 [d'' 
fis''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { d1 }
        \bar "" \break \bar "|"
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp cis'''4 d''8 fis''4 [b''8 
a'' g''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { d1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'4 e'8 g'4 [b'8 cis'' 
d''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { e1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis''4 g'8 cis''4 [e''8 
a'' fis''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a1 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp b'4 fis'8 a'4 [d'8 fis' 
a'] }
                        \context Voice = VB { d1 }
                \stemUp [dis'8 fis' a' c''] [dis'' fis'' a'' b'']
                \stemUp s16. \grace { [a''32 ( b'' ) s] } a''16 [g''8 e'' b' 
g'] [e' b] bes8

                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp r8 [fis' a' d''] r [e' g' 
cis''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a2 a2 }
        \alternative {
                        \context Staff <
                                \context Voice = VA { \stemUp d''4 [fis'8 a' 
d'] \stemDown d''' \stemUp  [d'' fis''] }
                                \context Voice = VB { d1 }
                { <r4 d4> d' \stemDown <d''2\arpeggio fis''_#'((bold italic) 
"Fine") d'''> }
        \bar "" \break \bar "|"
        \repeat volta 2 {
                \stemUp <g4\arpeggio g' b' d''> [d''8 d''] <g4 g' b' dis''> 
[dis''8 dis'']
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis''4 [a'8 cis''] r 
[cis''' fis'' cis'''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a2 d2 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp <d''4\arpeggio fis'' 
cis'''> [cis'''8 cis'''] <cis'''4 fis'' d''> \stemDown b'' }
                        \context Voice = VB { d'2\arpeggio d }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemDown d'''4 \stemUp g'8 b'4 
\stemDown b''8-\glissando e''' d''' }
                        \context Voice = VB { a2 r }
                \bar "" \break \bar "|"
                \stemUp [b''8 g'' e'' d''] [b' g' b'] \stemDown d'''

                \context Voice=VA {
                        \stemUp [cis'''8 b'' a'' gis''] [g'' fis'' e'' dis'' 
\glissando ]
                                { \stemDown fis''4 \stemUp g'8 cis''4 \stemDown 
[e''8 a''] fis''}
                                \context Voice = VB { a1 }

                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemDown e''4 \stemUp [fis'8 a'] 
\stemDown d''4 \stemUp <c'' fis'>}
                        \context Voice = VB { \stemUp d2 }
                \bar "" \break \bar "|"
                \stemUp <g4\arpeggio g' b' d''> [d''8 d''] <g4 g' b' dis''> 
[dis''8 dis'']
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp fis''4 [a'8 cis''] r 
[cis''' fis'' cis'''] }
                        \context Voice = VB { a2 d2 }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemUp <d''4\arpeggio fis'' 
cis'''> [cis'''8 cis'''] <cis'''4 fis'' d''> \stemDown b'' }
                        \context Voice = VB { d'2\arpeggio d }
                \context Staff <
                        \context Voice = VA { \stemDown d'''4 \stemUp g'8 b'4 
\stemDown b''8-\glissando  e''' d''' }
                        \context Voice = VB { a2 r }
                \stemUp [b''8 gis'' e'' d''] [b' gis' e' d']
                \bar "" \break \bar "|"
                [ c' e' a' c'' ]
                \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #4
                \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #2
                [ cis' g' ais' cis'' ]
                \property Voice.Beam \revert #'staff-position
                \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height
                [ d' g' b' d'' ] [ d' fis' cis'' d'' ]
        \alternative {
                { <g4 g'>
%                 \property Voice.Beam \set #'staff-position = #0
%                 \property Voice.Beam \set #'height = #0.5
                  [d'8 d']
%                 \property Voice.Beam \revert #'staff-position
%                 \property Voice.Beam \revert #'height
                  [d' d' d' d'] }
                { <g4_#'((bold italic) "D.C. al Fine senza rep.") g'> d' 
\context Staff { g'8 } \stemDown d''' \stemUp [d'' fis''] }
        \bar "|."
 \paper {
         indent = 0.0 \cm
 \midi {
        \tempo 4 = 100

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