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Re: problems using skip

From: clive CATTERALL
Subject: Re: problems using skip
Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 17:44:36 +0100

Apologies for previous message.  I forwarded the message I mistakenly sent
to Graham.

> Could you send us your Lilypond file?  I can think of a few possibilities,
> it would be faster to see what your file.
> Cheers,
> - Graham

Here's a cut down version of the cantus file.  I've pasted the first 25 bars
into the file rather than show the \include, as the source below can be cut
and pasted to try compiling.


composer = "Tomas Luis de Victoria"
title = "Super Flumina Babylonis"
tagline = "CPAC 2003"
piece = "Cantus"

\include ""

 f'2. g'4 |
 a' b' c'' c' |
 d' e' f' g' |
 a' bes'2 a'4 |
 g' f' g'2 |
 a' r |
 r r4 c'' |
 c'' bes'2 bes'4 |
 a'2 r |
 r r4 a' |
 g'2. g'4 |
 fis' a'2 a'4 |
 a' a' bes'2 ~ |
 bes' bes'4 d'' ~ |
 d''8 c'' c''2 b'4 |
 c''2 c'' ~ |
 c'' r |
 R1*4/4 |
 R1*4/4 |
 r4 c'' c'' c'' |
 bes'1 |
 r4 c'' c'' c'' |
 c''1 |
 r4 d''4. d''8 d''4 |
 c''1 ~ |

\score {


 \skip 1*25 \bar "|."
 \context Staff = staffa {
 \clef violin
 \time 2/2
  \key d \minor

\paper {indent = 0.0}

Clive Catterall
baroque flutes made using traditional methods and materials

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