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Re: metronome marking

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: metronome marking
Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 14:43:17 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030430 Debian/1.3-5

David Bobroff wrote:

I'm using the following contruction to make metronome markings.  I need
to make a metronome marking with a dotted quarter note and have not been
able to figure out how to do it.
    quarterStem = \markup \combine
        \musicglyph #"flags-stem"
        \translate #'(0.0 . 3.5) \musicglyph #"flags-u"
    quarterNote = \markup
        \override #'(word-space . 0.0)
        { \musicglyph #"noteheads-2"
          \translate #'(-0.05 . 0.1) \quarterStem }

I've found  a dotted eight contruction but it uses the older scheme
structure.  Here it is modified to produce a dotted quarter note but the
dot is too close to the notehead.

    #(define note '(columns
      (music "noteheads-2" ((kern . -0.1) "flags-stem"))))
    #(define quarter-note `(columns ,note ((kern . -0.1)
      (music ((raise . 3.5) "flags-u2")))))
    #(define dotted-quarter-note
      `(columns ,quarter-note (music "dots-dot")))

I would like to use the newer \markup structure.  It is more compact and
streamlined.  Is it planned to replace the earlier style?

quarterStem = \markup \combine
       \musicglyph #"flags-stem"
       \translate #'(0.0 . 3.5) \musicglyph #"flags-u2"
eighthStem = \markup \combine
       \musicglyph #"flags-stem"
       \translate #'(0.0 . 3.5) \musicglyph #"flags-u3"
quarterNote = \markup \override #'(word-space . 0.0 )
       { \magnify #0.8 { \musicglyph #"noteheads-2"
                         \translate #'(-0.05 . 0.1) \quarterStem } }
eighthNote = \markup    \override #'(word-space . 0.0)
       { \musicglyph #"noteheads-2"
         \translate #'(-0.05 . 0.1) \eighthStem }

dottedQuarter = \markup { \magnify #0.8 \quarterNote
                         \musicglyph #"dots-dot" }

Here's what I am using at the moment. I would guess you can figure out what you want from here.


Paul Scott

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