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Re: landscape output

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: landscape output
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:54:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312

I just tried to run 'ly2dvi -p' on your file and got
a nice three page score in landscape format.
Note that if you run dvips manually, you have to explicitly
specify the paper format: 'dvips -tlandscape' but if you use ly2dvi
it will automatically add the correct flags to dvips.


Frédéric Bron wrote:

I cannot make the orientation option work properly. In landscape mode, the calculated linewidth is that of the portrait mode and it seems that the linewidth option has no effect. See an example in the attached file. Could someone help ?




\header {
        title = "Variations"
        subtitle = "sur un thème de Haydn"
        composer = "Johannes Brahms"
        arranger = "Arr. André Sablon"
        tagline = "Ensemble de clarinettes de Voiron"

\version "1.8.0"

\include ""

\paper {
        pagenumber = "1"
        papersize = "a4"
        orientation = "landscape"
        linewidth = 27.7\cm

global = {

\include ""

ClarinetteIThemeOriginal = \notes {
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
        \key bf \major
        \time 2/4
        \relative d'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        d8.\p ef16 d8 d  ef4-- d--  c bf   %  1-3
                        c8. d16 ef-( c-) d-( bf-)          %  4
                        d4-( c16-) a bf c                  %  5
                        d8.\f ef16 d8 d  ef4-- d--  c bf   %  6-8
                        c8. d16 bf8 a  c4-( bf8-) r        %  9-10
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        R2  g8.\p a16 g8 g  a8. bf16 a8 a  % 11-13
                        bf-. c-. d4--  ef8.\pp f16 ef8 ef  % 14-15
                        d8. ef16 d8 d  c8. d16 c8 bf       % 16-17
                        bf4-( a-)  d'8.\f ef16 d8 d  ef4 d % 18-20
                        c4 bf  c8. d16 bf8 a  bf2  bf  bf  % 21-25
                        bf  bf4_#'(italic "dim.") bf  bf bf% 26-28
                \alternative {
                        { bf2 }                            % 29
                        { bf2-\fermata }                   % 30
        \bar "||"
ClarinetteIVarIOriginal = \notes {
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
        \key bf \major
        \time 2/4
        \relative d'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        r4 r8 d\p-(  ef g bf d  ef c bf d  %  1-3
                        ef-\< c bf d  bf g f a-)-\!        %  4-5
                        r4 \times 2/3 { r8 bf\mf-( a }     %  6
                        \times 2/3 { g bf ef, d f bf,      %  7
                        a c ef, d f bf  g' f ef d c f      %  8-9
                        ef \> c a bf f d-)-\! }            % 10
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        r4 r8 a'\f-(                       % 11
                        bf-\< df e g  a c ef gf-\!         % 12-13
                        f \> d bf a-)-\!                   % 14
                        \times 2/3 { g\p-( \> bf ef,-)-\! } r4 % 15
                        \times 2/3 { f8-( \> bf d,-)-\! } r4 % 16
                        R2                                 % 17
                        \times 2/3 { ef8-(-\< d c bf a c-)-\! } % 18
                        r4 \times 2/3 { r8 bf'\f-( a       % 19
                        g bf ef d f bf,  a c ef, d f bf    % 20-21
                        g' f ef d c f-)                    % 22
                        r af,_\markup{\italic{ dim. }}-( g f af d,-) % 23
                        r ef'-( d c ef a,-)                % 24
                        r af,-( g f af d,-) }              % 25
                        r4 \times 2/3 { r8 f''\p-( ef      % 26
                        d-\> f bf,-) } r4                  % 27
                        \times 2/3 { d,8-( f bf,-)-\! } r4 % 28
                        d'2-\fermata                       % 29
ClarinetteIVarIIOriginal = \notes {
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
        \key df \major
        \time 2/4
        \relative bf'' {
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        bf4\f-( bf,8-.-) r  r4 r8 bf'\p-.  %  1-2
                        a-. f-. df-. bf-.  gf-. r r4  R2   %  3-5
                        bf'4\f-( bf,8-.-) r  r4 r8 bf'\p-. %  6-7
                        a-. f-. df-. bf-.  gf-. r r4  R2   %  8-10
                \repeat volta 2 {
                        f''4\f-( f,8-.-) r                 % 11
                        g8.\p-( af16 g8-.-) r              % 12
                        c8.-(-\< df16 c8-.-) r             % 13
                        f8.-( gf16 f8-.-) r-\!             % 14
                        bf,8.\pp-( c16 bf4 ~               % 15
                        bf8. c16 bf4 ~                     % 16
                        bf8.-\< c16 bf8 af                 % 17
                        gf4-\! \> f-)                      % 18
                        bf4\f-\!-( bf,8-.-) r  r4 r8 bf'\p-.  % 18-20
                        a-. f-. df-. bf-.  gf-. r r4       % 21-22
                        f''8.\f-( gf16 \autoBeamOff f8-.-) af,-(-\> \autoBeamOn 
% 23
                        gf ef c a-)                        % 24
                        f''8.\f-\!-( gf16 \autoBeamOff f8-.-) bf,-(-\> 
\autoBeamOn % 25
                        a gf ef cf'-)                      % 26
                        bf-\!-( \> f d bf-)  f4---\! r  R2    % 27-29
ClarinetteIVarIIIOriginal = \notes {
        \property Voice.tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
        \key bf \major
        \time 2/4
        \relative d'' {
                d4_\markup{ \dynamic{ p } \italic{ dolce e legato }}-( ef8 d %  
                g ef d f  ef c bf d  c ef c bf        %  2-4
                a-\< c f ef  d f bf af-\!             %  5-6
                g_\markup{ \dynamic{ p } \italic{ sub }} ef d f % 7
                ef c bf d  c ef bf a  c4 bf8-) r      %  8-10
                \bar "||"
                r4 r16_\markup{ \italic { molto dolce }} a'-( bf d % 11
                g8-) r r16 f,-( a f'                  % 12
                ef8-) r r16 g,-( af d                 % 13
                c8-) r r16 ef,-( g bf                 % 14
                a8-) r r16 gs-( a ef'                 % 15
                d8-) r r16 cs,-( d af'                % 16
                g8-) r r16 bf-( a f'                  % 17
                ef8-) r r16 g,-( b d                  % 18
                c8-) r r16 d,-( c a'                  % 19
                c8-) r r16 f,-( d bf                  % 20
                \bar "||"
                f4-) r                                % 21
                < { df'2_\markup{\translate #(cons -4 0) { \dynamic pp }} } { s8-\< 
s8 s8-\!-\> s8-\! } > % 22
                c2  d  bf'8\p-( g f ef-)              % 23-25
                bf'-(-\< f ef d-)  bf'-( g f e-)-\!   % 26-27
                g-( \> f c cs-)-\!                    % 28
                d4-( ef8 d                            % 29
                g ef d f  ef c bf d  c ef bf a-)      % 30-32
                bf4 r  R2                             % 33-34
                r4 r8 b'\p-(-\<                       % 35
                c4 d8-\! \> c  f,-)-\! r r c-(  f,-) r r4 % 36-38
                R2                                    % 39
                \bar "||"
                R2*4                                  % 40-43
                r16 bf-( bf' g f d ef g-)             % 44
                bf-(-\< a bf f ef cs d f-)            % 45
                bf-( g f e ds e g c ~                 % 46
                c ef, d c cs-\! \> f a cs-)           % 47
                d8-\! r r16 a\p-( bf d                % 48
                g8-) r r16 f,-( a f'                  % 49
                ef8-) r r16 d,-( af' d                % 50
                c8-) r r16 d,-( ef a                  % 51
                bf8-) r r4  R2                        % 52-53
                f4_\markup{\translate #(cons -1.5 0) { \dynamic p }}-(-\< g8-\! 
\> f-) % 54
                ef4-\! r  R2*3                        % 55-58
                \bar "|."

ClarinetteITheme =   \notes { \modernCautionaries \clef treble \transpose c d 
\ClarinetteIThemeOriginal }
ClarinetteIVarI =    \notes { \modernCautionaries \clef treble \transpose c d 
\ClarinetteIVarIOriginal }
ClarinetteIVarII =   \notes { \modernCautionaries \clef treble \transpose c d 
\ClarinetteIVarIIOriginal }
ClarinetteIVarIII =  \notes { \modernCautionaries \clef treble \transpose c d 
\ClarinetteIVarIIIOriginal }

\score {
        \notes \context Staff < \property Score.skipBars = ##t \global 
\ClarinetteITheme >
        \header { instrument = "Clarinette 1" }
\score {
        \notes \context Staff < \property Score.skipBars = ##t \global 
\ClarinetteIVarI >
        \header { piece = "Variation I" instrument = "Clarinette 1" }
\score {
        \notes \context Staff < \property Score.skipBars = ##t \global 
\ClarinetteIVarII >
        \header { piece = "Variation II" instrument = "Clarinette 1" }
\score {
        \notes \context Staff < \property Score.skipBars = ##t \global 
\ClarinetteIVarIII >
        \header { piece = "Variation III" instrument = "Clarinette 1" }


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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