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Re: placement of rehearsal marks and more

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: placement of rehearsal marks and more
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:36:46 +0200
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Please tell what LilyPond version you are using.
From the syntax, it looks like you have 2.0, but
I cannot repeat all the phenomena you describe when
I try with version 2.0.1.

I attach a version that works with 2.0.1. It's clearly much
easier to answer a question when you have some example to
start with.

chip wrote:
Okay, so here I am once again, asking for help about placing rehearsal marks properly. I have pasted in below the file for a piece I am working on. Please try not to be too hard on me, I really am trying to learn this app, and learn it the proper way.
The problems are:
1. Adding a 'grand pause' to the top line of the staff - is this the caesura I found in the feta font section of the handbook?

Depends on what you want. See
for an overview of different options. If you want a caesura, I recommend
to use the \breathe function and redefine it to print the caesura
instead of the normal comma. See
for an example of how to do that. Since you may want to use \breathe
the same way in the full score, I changed the default layout in the
\paper section (so it applies to the full score. For the same reason,
I moved the setting of skipBars to the \paper section).

2. Adding a segno to the bar line just after the 'grand pause'

The principle is very simple, if you want to attach anything to a bar
line, use \mark "text" or \mark \markup{ "markup" }, if you want to
attach it to a note, use c4^"text" or c4^\markup{ "markup" }.
In this case, you want to attach it to a bar line, so use
\mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-segno"}

3. Adding "DS Al Coda" and the segno sign to the double bar after the 44 measure rest.

Again, you want to attach it to a bar line, so you should use \mark ...
However, by default it will then be typeset above the score and centered
on the bar line. Here you probably want it below the score and left
aligned, so you can do
% Below instead of above:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'direction = #down
% Left aligned on the bar line:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'self-alignment-X = #left

What do you mean by segno sign? The segno is in bar 3 of the piece,
right? If you want to have it included in the "dal $ al coda", you
could do it with \markup (see the commented line in the file).

4. Adding a coda sign to the beginning of the 34 measure rest
Here, we see a technical limitation, namely that you cannot add two
rehearsal marks to the same bar line, especially not one on top and
one below. However, in this situation you probably want it above the
beginning of the rest instead of above the bar line.
Since you don't want it to replace the "34", You could include
a spacing note that is simultaneous as the rest and attach the coda
sign to that:
<< R2.* 34 s4^\coda >>

5. Padding some empty space between the to multimeasure rests to separate the main section from the coda section.
You can increase the length of the rests using
\once \property Score.MultiMeasureRest \override #'minimum-length = #15
You may even want to insert a line break: \break

6. The line '\context Voice {\repeat "percent" 1 {...}}' near the bottom does not work as expected - a 'percent repeat' in each of the next two measures.
Why do you have the \context Voice?
The number in the \repeat statement specifies the total number the
section should be played. So, \repeat percent 1 {some music}  is
equivalent to {some music}. You probably want \repeat percent 2 {...}.
I don't get the result you describe with \repeat percent 1.

I can fool around with this stuff for hours and get some of it to work sort of okay, but would appreciate someone helping me understand the proper way to do these things.

Example: You'll notice I open my piece with a skip note so I can attach some text to that, but that makes an empty measure at the beginning of the piece, which really doesn't look good, so what would be the proper way to do this?

You can use \mark to attach a text to the beginning of the piece.
Some people use
  piece = "Mariachi"

Example: When adding '\once \property Voice.TextScript...' does it go immediately before the note the text is attached to? Or somewhere before it? Or after it? This isn't clear from what I've seen in the manual, so I generally have put it a few notes before the note it is attached to.

It should clearly be before the note it applies to. I always write it
directly before the note it applies to, don't know what will happen

And yes, I have asked some of this in the past, but maybe we can clear it all up in one message, once and for all. I was asked to include some examples of the problem code, so here it is, suitable to copy and paste into a new file and run lilypond against... (as it is below it is broken on the line with the ^\mark \markup... and probably elsewhere).
Thanks and regards,


\version "2.0.0"

\header {
title = "El Sinaloense"
instrument = "Trumpet 1"
\include ""
\include ""
\paper{ papersize = "letter"
linewidth = 190 \mm
indent = 0 \mm
\transpose f g
\key f \major
\clef treble
\time 3/4
% Left aligned:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'self-alignment-X = #left
% Move up a bit:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'padding = #6
\mark \markup {\huge \bold Mariachi}
% Split the text into several lines to look nicer
f''2.^\markup{ \column < "Vocal Intro," "Free Time Horn Intro" > }
\times 2/3 {f''8 f'' f''}
f''2 \breathe \mark \markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-segno"}
c''8[ d''] e''[ f''] ~ f''4 ~
f''4 e''8[ d''] bflat'[ c'']
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'self-alignment-X = #left
\mark \markup "In time" \bar "||"
r4 r8 f'' g'' a''
g''8. g''16 f''4 g''8 f''
e''8.[ d''16] e''8[ d''] c''8.[ e''16]
d''8[ c''] d''[ c''] bflat'[ a'] ~
\bar "|:" a'2 a'8 c''
f''8 a' c'' f'' g'' c''
f'' g'' c'' f'' g'' c''
e''8. f''16 e''8 d'' c'' bflat' \bar ":|"
a'4 c'' e''
a' c'' e''
a' c'' f''
a'' r2
R2. \bar "||"
% Make the rest somewhat longer:
\once \property Score.MultiMeasureRest \override #'minimum-length = #15
R2.* 44
% Below instead of above:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'direction = #down
% Left aligned on the bar line:
\once \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'self-alignment-X = #left
\mark "DS Al Coda"
% You probably want to polish the following using \raise and possibly
% \small, before it looks really neat:
%\mark \markup {"Dal " \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" " Al " \musicglyph #"scripts-coda" }
\bar "||"
% Attach the coda sign to a spacing note:
<< R2.* 34 s4^\coda >>
e''8. e''16 ~ e''4 g''8. f''16
e''8. e''16 ~ e''4 g''8. f''16
e''8[ e''] e''[ e''] g''8. f''16
e''2. ~
R2.* 6
\repeat "percent" 2 {f''8.[ f''16] f''8.[ f''16] f''8.[ f''16]}
\bar "|."
  % Set some properties that should hold throughout the score:
    BreathingSign \set #'text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts-caesura")
    MultiMeasureRest \override #'expand-limit = #1
    skipBars = ##t

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