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markup repeats

From: Jean-marc LEGRAND
Subject: markup repeats
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:53:04 +0200

Hi list !

Iv'e tried to find out in the archives, but I'm still stuck.
I'm using Lily 2.0.1 on XP.

I've created 2 .ly ( and corresponding to 2 pieces within a same 
score (1er kyrie and
3ème kyrie).
For each one, the bass line ends with a \breve and a _\markup with some text in 

The main .ly is :

\version "2.0.1"
\include ""
\include ""

\header {
      title =     "MESSE POUR LES INSTRUMENTS"
      subtitle = "au lieu des orgues (H.513)"
      composer = "Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643-1704)"

%%%% 1.
\score      {
            \context StaffGroup ="tous"
                  \context Staff ="1er dessus" \dessusI
                  \context Staff ="2ème dessus" \dessusII
                  \context Staff ="taille" \taille
                  \context Staff ="basse" \basse
            \header {piece="\\textit{\\textbf{Premier kyrie} {pour tous les 

%%%% 2.
\score      {
                  \context StaffGroup ="tous"
                  \context Staff ="1er dessus" \dessusI
                  \context Staff ="2ème dessus" \dessusII
                  \context Staff ="taille" \taille
                  \context Staff ="basse" \basse
            \header {piece="\\textit{Le 3ème kyrie pour les prestres}"}

All is OK, except one thing : the markup at the end of the first part 
(corresponding to is
replaced by the markup of So I have two identical markups at the end of 
each part.
Odd, isn't it ?

Does anyone has the clue ?

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