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Re: How to tie a flat to g sharp

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: How to tie a flat to g sharp
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:29:44 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1

On Monday 24 January 2005 12.01, Kilian A. Foth wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am having a hard time convincing Lilypond to create a tie between
> enharmonic variants:

This is nonstandard practise, and hence not easy to do cleanly (AFAIK). A 
quick&dirty fix could be to create invisible 'a' notes in the second bar; 
this would create ties (though the right end points wouldn't be 100% 

\new Staff <<
\context Voice=tie {cis2 ~ \hideNotes cis2}
\new Voice {s2 des}


> \version "2.4.0"
> \score {
>   \new PianoStaff <<
>     \new Staff {
>       \time 4/4 \key des \major
>       \relative c'' {
>         <es as c es>4\arpeggio des'8 c
>         << { <c es ges as>2 } \\ { \grace{bes16[c]}bes8 as bes as } >> |
>         << { <as des f as>2->\arpeggio~<as as'>~ \bar"||"
>              \key e \major <gis gis'>2 s } \\
>            { s1 fis,8\p e fis gis gis b,4 gis'8} >> |
>         \grace{fis16[gis]} fis8[ e <fis dis><gis e>]
>                                  << { b4. cis8 } \\ { <cis,e>4<dis fis> }
> >> } }
>       \new Staff {
>         \clef bass
>         \relative c' {
>           \key des \major <as, as,>1| <des f as des>2\arpeggio r|
>           \key e \major e,4 b' gis'2| e,4 b' gis'2|
>         }
>       }
>  }
> (No points for guessing what this was excerpted from.)
> The a flats should resonate into the next bar, which is in E
> major, so they have to be tied to g sharps; but apparently the tie
> engraver fails to see that they are the same note. What do I have to
> \override to overrule it? (I could use a slur but that would create
> only one tie and not two.)

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