\header { filename = "TurnYourEyesUponJesus.ly" enteredby = "Gordon Gilbert" composer = "Helen H. Lemmel" poet = "Helen H. Lemmel" date="1922" title = "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" metre = "Lemmel 98. 98. and Refrain" meter = \metre copyright = "Singspriation Inc" style = "Hymn" mutopiacomposer = \composer mutopiapoet=\poet maintainer = "Gordon Gilbert" maintainerEmail = "address@hidden" lastupdated = "2005/Jan/17" } \version "2.2.2" %shorthand for Skip Lyric sl = \notes { \skip 4 } global=\notes { \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4) \time 3/4 \key f \major \partial 4 \skip 2.*17 \bar "||" \skip 2.*15 \bar "||" } sop = \context Voice = "sop" \notes { \voiceOne a'4 | a' gis' a' | c'' bes' a' | a'2. | g'2 d'4 | f' e' f' | a' g' c' | a'2. ~ | a'2 a'8( a') | a'4 gis' a' | d'' c'' a' | a'2. | g'2 g'4 | a' b' c'' | e' f' d' | c'2. ~ c' % chorus a'2^\markup{ \large Refrain } a'4 | c''4. a'8 g'4 | f'2. | f'2 f'4 | bes' bes' bes' | d'' bes' a' | g'2. ~ | g'2 a'8 bes' c''2 c''4 | c'' a' g' | f'2 f'4 | f'2 f'8 g' | a'4. g'8 a'4 | bes' a' g' | f'2. ~ | f'2 } alto=\context Voice = "alto" \notes { \voiceTwo f'4 | f' f' f' | f' f' ees' | d'2. | d'2 d'4 | c' c' c' | e' e' c' | c'2. ~ | c'2 f'8( f') | f'4 f' f' | f' f' f' | d'2. | g'2 e'4 | f' c' dis' | e' d' b | c'2. ~ | c' %chorus c'2 c'4 | e'4. e'8 e'4 | f'2. | ees'2 ees'4 | d'4 d' d' | d' d' d' | e' c' d' | e'2 f'8 f' | f'2 e'4 | f'4 f' e' | f'2 ees'4 | d'2 d'8 d' | c'4. e'8 f'4 | e' e' e' | f'2. ~ | f'2 } tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \notes { \voiceOne c'4 | c' b c' | a f f | f2( fis4) | g2 bes4 | a g a | c' bes e | f2. ~ | f2 c'8( c') | c'4 b c' | bes a c' | b2. | c'2 c'4 c' g a | c' b g8 f | e2. ~ e %chorus f2 f4 | g4. c'8 bes4 | a2. | a2 a4 | bes a g | f g f | e2( f4 | g2) f8 g | a2 bes4 | c' c' bes | a2 a4 | bes2 a8 bes | f4. c'8 c'4 | d' c' bes | a2. ~ | a2 } bass = \context Voice = "bass" \notes { \voiceTwo f4 f f f | f d c | bes,2. | bes,2 bes4 | c c c | c c c | f,2. ~ | f,2 f8( f) | f4 f f | f f f | f2. | e2 c4 | f f fis | g g g, | c2. ~ c %chorus f2 f4 | c4. c8 c4 | d2. | c2 f4 | bes, bes, bes, | bes, bes, b, | c2. ~ | c2 f8 f | f2 g4 | a f cis | d2 c4 | bes,2 d8 bes, | c4. c8 c4 | c c c | f,2. ~ | f, } accomp=\chords { } stanzaa = \lyrics { O soul, are you wea -- ry and troub -- led? No light in the dark -- ness you see? There's light for a look at the Sav -- iour, And life more a -- bun -- dant and free! %Refrain Turn your eyes u -- pon Je -- sus, Look full in His won -- der -- ful face; And the things of earth will grow strange -- ly dim In the light of His glo -- ry and grace. } stanzab = \lyrics { Through death in -- to life ev -- er -- last -- ing He passed, and we fol -- low Him there; O-ver us sin no more hath do -- min -- ion For more __ \sl than con -- qu'rors we are! } stanzac = \lyrics { His word shall not fail you, He pro -- mised; Be -- lieve Him and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dy -- ing, His per -- fect sal -- va -- tion to tell! } \score { \notes \transpose f ees \context ChoirStaff << \context ChordNames \accomp \unset ChoirStaff.melismaBusyProperties \context Staff ="upper" \notes { \clef "G" << \global \sop \alto >>} \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-1" { \set stanza = "1." \stanzaa } \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-2" { \set stanza = "2." \stanzab } \lyricsto "sop" \context Lyrics = "stanza-3" { \set stanza = "3." \stanzac } \context Staff = "lower" \notes { \clef "F"<< \global \tenor \bass >>} >> \paper{ indent = 0.0\pt \context { \ChordNamesContext \override ChordName #'style = #'american chordChanges = ##t } } \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 } }