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Re: Distance between staves

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Distance between staves
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 10:33:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414

Renato Biolcati Rinaldi wrote:
How do I decrease the distance between staves?
The command

\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)

Doesn't seem to help much,

Since (-4 . 4) is the default value in LilyPond version 2.4, it will
obviously not make any diffence. However, from version 2.4, the
property minimumVerticalExtent will only affect the separation within
each score line, i.e. if you have a score with several staves it will
affect the distance between the staves and if you have a a score with
a stave of music and a line of lyrics then it will affect the separation
between these.
If you want to affect the distance between the score lines, then you
should use the betweensystempadding and betweensystemspace as described
in the section on "Page layout" in the manual. The default values are
4mm and 20mm, respectively.


I tried all possible combination of numbers but
there is always a minimum distance between staves which I don't know how to

I would like to print the attached music on a sinlge page without using a
font too small (say with a 16). The orginal is printed on a single A4 page
with a font size more or less like feta 16, with Lilypond I need two pages
instead, and there is a lot of room between staves.
This is concert piece so after all I may also keep it in 2 pages, but I must
copy plenty of parade music and it is imperative that I am able to print a
piece on a sinlge A5 landscape sheet and with a decent font size because
it's music to be played while standing or even worse while walking:-)


\version "2.4.6"
\include ""
%Per brani da sfilata togliere il commento
%#(set-default-paper-size "a5" 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\header {
        title = "Marcia Sinfonica"
        instrument = \markup { Alto Sax E\smaller \super \flat }
        composer = "V. Monti"
altosax = \relative c'' {
\clef "treble"
\key f \major
\time 2/4
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "alto sax"
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 4)
%per i numeri di prova
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-numbers
     \set Score.markFormatter
        = #(lambda (mark context)
             (make-box-markup (number->string mark))))
%per le mutipause
\set Score.skipBars = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
\transposition ef
d4(a8) r16 d                                    |
f4(d8) r16 f                                    |
a4~a16 gs16 (a16 bf                             |
a4) r4                                          |
d,4(a8) r16 d                                   |%5
f4(d8)  r16 f                                   |
e4~e16 d16 (cs16 d                              |
e4) r4                                          |
g2~                                             |
g8 e16(f g f e g                                |%10
f2)~                                            |
f8 d16 (e16 f e d f                             |
e2)~                                            |       
e8 (e16 f g f e f                               |
d8) r8 r4                                       |%15
R2                                              |
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f2~             |
f8. e16 (d8.) cs16(                             |
d2)~                                            |
d8. e16(f8.) g16(                               |%20
a4..)(f16)                                      |
d8. e16 f8. d16                                 |
e2~                                             |
e4 r4                                           |
bf'2~                                           |%25
bf8. a16 g8. e16                                |
a2~                                             |
a8.(f16 e8. d16                                 |
e4..) d16(                                      |
cs8. d16 e8. f16                                |%30
d2)~                                            |
d4 r4 \mark \default \bar "||"                        |
f2~                                             |
f8.(e16 d8. cs16                                |
d2)~                                            |%35
d8.(e16 f8. g16                                 |
a2)~                                            |
a8. d,16 cs8. d16                               |
bf2~                                            |
bf8 r8 r4                                       |%40
\appoggiatura { g8[a]} bf4 a8. gs16(            |
a8) r8 r4                                       |
\appoggiatura { d8[e]} f4 e8-> d8->               |
a8-> r8 r4                                   |
\appoggiatura { g8[a]} bf4 a8. gs16(            |%45
a8) r8 r4                                       |
\appoggiatura { d8[e]} f4 e8-> d8->               |
}\alternative { {a8-> r8 bf8.-> (a16              |
g8) r8 a8.-> (g16                            |
f8) r8 g8.-> (f16                            |%50
e8) r4 a8->                                  |
d-> r8 r4                                    |
R2}{                                            |
a8 r8 a8. a16                                   |
a8 r8 a8.(bf16) } }                             |%55
\mark \default \bar "||" c4 c4~                       |
c4 d8. (c16)                                    |
g2~                                             |
g4 a(                                           |
bf a                                            |%60
g a                                             |
f2)~                                            |
f8 r16 a'16(g8. f16                             |
e8. g16) f4~                                    |
f e(                                            |%65
bf2)~                                           |
bf8 r16 g'16 (f8. e16                           |
d8. f16) e4~                                    |
e d(                                            |
a2~)                                            |%70
a8 r8 a8.(bf16)                                 |
c4 c~                                           |
c d8.(c16)                                      |
g2~                                             |
g4 a                                            |%75
bf c                                            |
d e                                             |
f2(                                             |
d8) r8 r4                                       |
f4. d8                                          |%80
bf8 g e bf'8                                    |
a4. c8                                          |
d e f g                                         |
a4. d,16 c                                      |
bf4. d16 e                                      |%85
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f8 r8 c4(       |
b bf | a8) r8 a8.(bf32 a |
g4 f4                                           |
e8)(r8 d'8. c16                                 |%90
c8) r8 d8.(c16)                                 |
c8 r8 g8.( a16                                  |
bf8. c32 bf a8 g8)                              |
}f8 r8 a8.(b16                                  |
cs4 d8. e16                                     |%95
d8) r8 f8. e16                                  |
d4 c8. bf16                                     |
a8 r8 a8. b16                                   |
cs4 d8. e16                                     |
d8 r8 f8.(e16                                   |%100
d4 c8. bf16                                     |
a8) a16-. a-. a8-. a-.                          |
a-. a-. a-. a-.                                 |
\mark \default \bar "||" bf8.(a16 g4~)(               |
g8 b16 c d e f g                                |%105
a8. g16 f4~)                                    |
f8 g16(f e8) d-.                                |
c4 g8.(a16)                                     |
bf8 c16(bf a8 g8                                |
\repeat volta 2 {\mark \default f4.) f16(g)     |%110
a4. a16(bf)                                     |
c4. b16 c                                       |
d8-.(c-. a-.) f-.                               |
d4. e16( f                                      |
g4.) a16(bf                                     |%115
c4.) c16(d                                      |
e8) d-. g,-. a-.                                |
}f8 f'16 f f8 f                                 |
f f(e ef                                        |
\mark \default \bar "||" \key bf \major d2~)  |%120
d8 cs( d a                                      |
bf2~)                                           |
bf8 f' (e ef                                    |
d2~)                                            |
d8 g, b d                                       |%125
c2~)                                            |
c8 g( c ef,)                                    |
g4( a                                           |
bf c                                            |
d~) d8. c16                                     |%130
bf8.(c16 d8. ef16                               |
f4.) c16( d                                     |
ef4. g,16(a)                                    |
bf8 f16 g( a bf c d                             |
ef4.) a,8->                                  |%135
bf-> f16 g(a bf c d                          |
ef4.) a,8->                                  |
bf-> r8 bf-> r16 bf16->                                |
bf8-> r8 r4                                  |
\mark \default \bar "||" \key ef \major R2*4  |%140-143
r4 r8 d8                                        |
ef r8 r4                                        |%145
R2                                              |
\bar "||" \mark \default  bf2~ \segno         |
bf4 ef(                                         |
g,2~)                                           |
g4 bf                                           |%150
ef,2~                                           |
ef4 r4                                          |
bf'2~                                           |
bf4 d4(                                         |
c2~)                                            |%155
c4 r4                                           |
f,2~                                            |
f4 c'                                           |
bf2~                                            |
bf8 af( f af                                    |%160
bf2                                             |
g2)                                             |
bf2~                                            |
bf4 ef4(                                        |
g,2~)                                           |%165
g4 r4                                           |
bf2~                                            |
bf4 cs4                                         |
c2~                                             |
c4 r4                                           |%170
c4( f                                           |
af g8. f16                                      |
ef4 bf4)~                                       |
bf4 g8.(af16                                    |
g8 af16 g f8 g                                  |%175
af4 f                                           |
bf2~)                                           |
bf4 r4                                          |
c4( f                                           |
af g8. f16                                      |%180
ef4 bf~)                                        |
bf g'8.( af16                                   |
g8 af16 g f8 g                                  |
af4) d,(                                        |
ef8) r8 d4(                                     |%185
ef8) ef16 ef ef8_\markup { \bold \bigger \italic Fine } r8|
\bar "||" g4-> f->                              |
ef-> d->                                  |
c8-> r8 d( ef16 d                            |
c8) r8 r4                                       |%190
c8.( d16 ef8. f16                               |
d4~) d8. g,16                                   |
b8.( c16 d8. ef16                               |
c2)                                             |
f4-> ef->                                 |%195
d-> c->                                           |
bf8-> r8 c8 d16 c                            |
bf8 r8 r4                                       |
\appoggiatura { f8[g]} a8 bf c d                |
ef8 f, g a                                      |%200
bf r8 r4                                        |
\appoggiatura { f'8[g]} af2                     |
\appoggiatura { f8[g]} af2                      |
\appoggiatura { f8[g]} af2~                     |
af8_\markup { \bold \italic \bigger  {D. S. al Fine}} r8 r4|%205
\bar "|."

\score {
\new Staff \altosax
\midi{ \tempo 4 = 120 }
  \layout { }


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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