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Undefined control sequence. \embeddedps

From: jim smith
Subject: Undefined control sequence. \embeddedps
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 02:52:50 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

I am running Lilypond 2.2.2 on FreeBSD.  It was running fine, then
I had to upgrade the tex system to gain some added functionality for
LyX.  Since upgrade teTeX, lilypond [actually, LaTeX] is now broken.
On FreeBSD, tex-latex2e is deprecated for teTeX-texmf.

While I know this is mostly a LaTeX problem, it looks to me like there
is something going on with either lilyponddefs.tex or lily-pdf-defs.tex
to produce this error [I think I've captured the germane part of the 
error message, produced with -V]:

(./latin.latex (/usr/local/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/base/article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
No file latin.aux.
(./latin.tex (/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.4/tex/lilyponddefs.tex
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \kern 005.6906\outputscale \embeddedps 
                                                  {-00.0000 000.1600 008.050...
l.437 }

The beginning part of the .tex file looks like this:

% Generated by creator
% at timestamp
\font\magfontUOAZBomTVo=ecrm8 scaled 992
\font\magfontEMYYBomXVo=cmr10 scaled 1000
\font\magfontMSGQomXVo=feta-braces-i scaled 1000
\font\magfontIAKQomXVo=feta-braces-f scaled 1000
\font\magfontQMOQomXVo=feta-braces-b scaled 1000
\font\magfontIUHQomXVo=feta-braces-h scaled 1000
\font\magfontGXOBBomXVo=feta20 scaled 1000
\font\magfontIGUKBomXVo=parmesan20 scaled 1000
\font\magfontEUYPBomXVo=feta-braces-a scaled 1000
\font\magfontIYIQomXVo=feta-braces-g scaled 1000
\font\magfontKDLQomXVo=feta-braces-e scaled 1000
\font\magfontGFMQomXVo=feta-braces-d scaled 1000
\font\magfontMKNQomXVo=feta-braces-c scaled 1000
\def\scaletounit{ 2.83464566929134 mul }%
  \input lilyponddefs
\outputscale = \lilypondpaperoutputscale\lilypondpaperunit

\vbox to 0pt{%
\lyitem{005.6906}{-151.5215}{\magfontKDLQomXVo\char50 }%
\lyitem{005.6906}{-151.5215}{\embeddedps{-00.0000 000.1600 008.0500 008.0500
000.1000 draw_round_box}}%

So, where do I begin looking?  Go straight to <comp.text.tex>?  Thanks 
for any help you can provide.

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