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Re: Extra staff in score with lyrics

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Extra staff in score with lyrics
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 09:58:04 +0100
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A Lyrics context cannot be part of a Staff context.
I would propose to restructure your file into

soprano = \relative { f'2 << \context Voice = other { \voiceOne \tiny g c f,4 }
           { \voiceTwo \normalsize g,2 c f,4 } >> \oneVoice r4

lyric = \lyricmode { Al -- le -- lu -- ja. }

\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Violin" R1 R1 }
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Viola" R1 R1}
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano" \context Voice = melody \soprano }
\lyricsto "melody" \new Lyrics {\lyric }
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Cello" R1 R1 }

Note that I removed a number of unnecessary <<...>> and also that if
you do something like
\context Voice = melody { c1 | << \new Voice { b1 } { d1 } >> e1 }
then the d1 will still belong to the Voice context called melody, there's no
need to explicitly specify that again.

I usually prefer to define the full context structure directly within the
\score{...} block and not spread it out in different definitions (or even
different files), to make it easier to get an overview.


liang seng wrote:

Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 to do a score with solo voice and strings. Here
is a small extract from the voice line ( :

\version "2.7.17"
lyric =
 \context Staff \context Voice = "melody" {
    f'2 << \context Voice = other { \voiceOne \tiny g c f,4 } \context
Voice=melody { \voiceTwo \normalsize g,2 c f,4 } >> \oneVoice r4

 \lyricsto "melody" \new Lyrics { Al -- le -- lu -- ja. }

And here is the full score (

\version "2.7.17"
\include ""
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Violin" R1 R1 } >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Viola" R1 R1} >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano" \lyric } >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Cello" R1 R1 } >> >> >>

For the sake of simplicity, all the staves except the soprano staff contain only rests. Here, when I compile, the output look good except for one thing. The soprano staff is at the correct position (3rd staff from the top). However, the lyrics, which are supposed to be below the soprano staff, are at the bottom of the score, below the last (cello) staff. Why is this? How can I rectify this? Another interesting thing is, when I replace \context Staff with \new Staff in, the full score has an extra staff above the soprano staff, but the
staff has no notes or rests, only a clef. Again, why does this happen?
Thank you.
Seng Liang.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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