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Suddenly lyrics aren't with the right notes

From: Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence
Subject: Suddenly lyrics aren't with the right notes
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 04:34:51 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Below is excerpt from a triple choir piece. I took it out trying to find what I've done wrong to have the lyricmode skip some notes but I don't see my error.
the word 'meek' is attached properly but then the next notes are without words so strong and dis- graced are attached late. I'm not getting error notes when this is compiled it just doesn't put them where I expect.
The rest of the score works fine.

\version "2.6.0"
\header {
 title = "TenorB"
 composer = "Jay Hamilton"
 subtitle = "Thunder/Perfectmind"
 copyright = "CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2006"


Key = { \key c \major }
TenorB = \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrument = #"Tenor 2"
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "Accordian"
\clef "G_8"
r1 \bar "|" r1 \bar "|"
%page 2
r1 \bar "|" r1 r4\bar "|" %page 3 r4. es!4 r8 \bar "|" es!4. r4\bar "|" %page 4
r4. es!4. \bar "|"  r2 r8 g,4 r8 \bar "|"  r2 d'8 f, a4\bar "|"
%page 5
r4 d,8 f a4 r \bar "|" r4 d, f r r8 \bar "|" %page 6
a8 a \times 2/3 {d,4 a' d ~} d4 ~ \bar "|" d8 r4 r1 \bar "|"
%page 7
r8 c ~ c2. ~ \bar "|" c2. \bar "|" r2 r8
g' \bar "|" g g4 r8 r2 \bar "|" r4. g4 r2.\bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r8 es!8 ~ es!2. \bar "|" r4
r1 r8 \bar "|" g,8 ~ g2 ~ \bar "|" g r \bar "|"
r2 r8 \bar "|" r4 f'2. ~ f8 ~ \bar "|" f4. r8 c4 ~ c4. \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|" r \bar "|" r \bar "|" r1 \bar "|"
r1 r8 \bar "|" r1 \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|" r1 r4 \bar "|"
r2. r8 g ~ \bar "|" g1 ~ g4 \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|" r2 f'4 ~ \bar "|" f1 ~ f8 ~  \bar "|" f
r8 c4. r8 \bar "|" r2 r8 \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2 r8 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r2. r8 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|" r1 r4.
cis!8 ~ \bar "|" cis~ r8 r2. \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r2 e4 r \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r2 \bar "|" d8 d4 r8 r2 \bar "|" r1 \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|" r2 r8 \bar "|" r8 b8.^\markup {"intone"} ~
b2 ~ \bar "|" b4. r8  r2. \bar "|" r2. b4 \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|" r2. \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|" r1 r4 \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|"
r1 \bar "|" r2. \bar "|" r1 r4 \bar "|"
r4^\markup {"spoken not intoned"} r8_\markup {"the one you have pursued"}
\bar "|" r2 \bar "|" r r8 \bar "|"
r4. \bar "|" r8 r4._\markup {"you have gathered me"} \bar "|" r2 r8 \bar "|"
r2. \bar "|"

\addlyrics { the the the the the vir- gin the mo- ther bar- ren man- y are my sons
%page 6
the_mid-wife_and_she_who_does_not_bear the bride- groom me
%page 8a
he_is_my_off-spring the_i-dea_of-ten_re-mem-bered the_ut-ter-ance_of_my_name
the_i-dea_of-ten_re-mem-bered the_ut-ter-ance_of_my_name of_my_name
dis- graced
%29 spoken: the one you have pursued
%30 spoken: you have gathered me
%32 spoken: many are my fes!tivals
%33 spoken scorned
you re- flect up- on me
you who know me and do not de- spise it be- cause it is small and pal- try
of the an- gels who have been sent at my word
those who are not en- twined with my sub- stance are ig- nor- ant of me those
en- twined in me know me
far a- way draw near I am un- ion and dis!- so- lu- tion
for your in-ter-i-or is your ex-ter-i-or and the one who fash-ions you on the
out- side is the one who shapes the in- side of you
have no one who will judge me which men embrace un- til theybe- come so- ber
and go up rest- ing pla- ces

\score {
\new Staff \TenorB
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4=60 }

Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence

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