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Re: how to not view empty lines?

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: how to not view empty lines?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 17:26:04 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060909)

I took me a while to spot the error in your input file, namely that you
included the PianoStaff within the  \context Staff = men << ... >>.
Once you move up the ending >> to below the basses voice, it should
work better. Also, you do something strange with the alternative endings
of the repeats, since you have three music expressions within the
\alternative{...}, not two.


Daniel Boronka wrote:
Does anyone know how to get empty bars and lines/staves, to not show up in following lines where empty bars of music are not needed when music is finished? See example below.

 Daniel Boronka

 \version "2.6.4"
       \header {
       title = "Evening Hymn"
   %    subtitle = "  "
       composer = "Humperdinck"
       tagline = "duet    "
     #(set-global-staff-size 17.5)
global = {\key d \major
        \time 4/4}
     sopMusic = \relative c'' {
b1\rest b1\rest d,4 fis fis a b a a2 d4 a a fis fis e8 (d) e4 (e8) b'\rest
    g4 g fis fis e2 d4 b'\rest a a a g g4. (fis8) e4 b'\rest }
sopWords = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1."
    When at night I go to sleep
    four -- teen an -- gels watch do keep:
    two my head are guard -- ing,
    two my feet are guid -- ing,
    two are on my right hand, }
    altoMusic = \relative c'' { }
sopWordsverseII =\lyricmode { \set stanza = "2." A -- bends, will ich schla -- fen gehn,
    Vier -- zehn En -- gel um mich stehn:
    Zwei zu mei -- nen Häup -- ten,
    Zwei zu mei -- nen Fü -- ßen, }
     tenorMusic = \relative c' {
    b'1\rest b\rest d,4 d d fis g g fis (e)
    d fis fis d d cis8 (b) cis4 (cis8) b'\rest
    e,4 e d d d (cis) d b'\rest
    fis fis fis e e (dis) e b'\rest }
     tenorWords = \lyricmode {
                  \set stanza = "1."
    When at night I go to sleep
    four -- teen an -- gels watch do keep:
    two my head are guard -- ing,
    two my feet are guid -- ing, }
    bassMusic = \relative c'' { }
tenorWordsverseII = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2." A -- bends, will ich schla -- fen gehn,
    Vier -- zehn En -- gel um mich stehn:
    Zwei zu mei -- nen Häup -- ten,
    Zwei zu mei -- nen Fü -- ßen, }
     upper = \relative c'' {
        \key d \major
    <<{d,1~ d}\\{s fis,4 (a) a (d)}>>
    \repeat volta 2
    {<a d> (<d fis>) <d fis> (<fis a>)
    <b, b'> (<cis a'>) <<{a'2}\\{d,4 (e)}>>
<<{d'4 (a2 fis4~ fis e8 d <cis e>4. <dis fis>8)}\\{fis2~ d~ d4 cis8 b}>>
    <<{g'2 fis e d8 ([e] fis g)}\\{<b, e>4. cis8 d!4 d~ d cis b d}>>
<<{a' (a a g g4. fis8 e4) g}\\{<a, d> dis8. fis16 fis4 e8 d e4 dis e e}>>
{{<fis, a d> (<a, d fis>) <a d fis> (<d fis a>) <d fis b> (<d fis a>) <d fis a>2 r4 <a d fis> <a d fis> (<d fis a>) <d fis b> (<d fis a>) <d fis a>2} {<fis a d>4_ (<a d fis>) <a d fis> (<d fis a>) <d fis b> (<d fis a>) <d fis a>2
    <c! d fis b d>4 (<d fis a>) <d fis a> (<a d fis>)
    <a d fis> (<gis e'>8 <fis d'> <gis e'>4)
    <<{d'8 (e}\\{<g,! bes>4}>>}} <a fis d>1
     lower = \relative c {
    \key d \major
        \clef bass
        <<{d4 (fis) fis (a) d,2 (fis)}\\{d,2 ^(a')}\\{d,1_ (d1)}>>
        <<{fis'2 (a g4 e fis g)}\\{d1~ d}>>
    <<{a'~ a4 g g a)}\\{d,2 (fis a,2. g8 fis)}>>
    <<{r4 g' a2 b4 a8 g fis2)}\\{e,2 (fis g4 a b a8 g)}>>
    <<{r4 c'! b2 c!4 (b8 a g4) b}\\{fis,2 (g a4 b e2)}>>
    <<{d1 d}\\{d,~ d}>> <<{d' d}\\{d,~ d}>>
    <<{d' d2. cis4}\\{d,1~ d}>> <d c'!>
    <<{b'2. bes4}\\{d,1}>> <d a'>1
    \bar "|."
     \score {
        \context ChoirStaff <<
           \context Staff = women <<
          \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
\context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \context Voice = altos { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
           \context Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
           \context Lyrics = sopranosverseII { s1 }
           \context Staff = men <<
          \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
\context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> } \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }
       \context Lyrics = tenors { s1 }
       \context Lyrics = tenorsverseII { s1 }
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
       \context PianoStaff <<
           \set PianoStaff.instrument = "piano "
           \context Staff = upper \upper
           \context Staff = lower \lower
           \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
\context Lyrics = sopranosverseII \lyricsto sopranos \sopWordsverseII
           \context Lyrics = tenors \lyricsto tenors \tenorWords
\context Lyrics = tenorsverseII \lyricsto tenors \tenorWordsverseII >> \layout {
           \context {
              \Staff minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3. 0)
        } \midi { \tempo 4=70 }


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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