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automatic accidentals don't work correctly

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: automatic accidentals don't work correctly
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:24:15 +0100

Dear Lilypond-users,
I have a problem with the behavior of the automatic accidentals in
the "forget-sytle". For example, in my opinion the accidental of the
B-flat at the end of the 5th measure should be shown again, but not
in the beginning of the 6th measure. And I also don't understand why
the tie for the c-sharp at the beginning of the fourth measure can't
be seen.
Does someone know the reason?
Thank for support.

Here the music-example:

t = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
 #{ \times 2/3 $music #} )

\relative c' {
c8 c~ c16 c8. es2~ |    %klaviereinsrechts      10
\time 5/4 es8.. a,32 \t{ c8 c c~}  c ges'~ ges c,~ \t {  c8 c c~} |
%klaviereinsrechts 11
 \time 4/4 c16 c8  <cis bes'>16~ <cis bes'>4. c16 c c8 <c a'>16 <cis
fis>~ | %klaviereinsrechts 12
 <cis fis> <e bes' es f> 8.~ \arpeggio  <e bes' es f> <bes' e>16
<es, c'> <des bes'> <des c' es>8~\arpeggio  <des c' es>16 <c f
des'>8.~ |%klaviereinsrechts 13
\time 3/4 <c f des'>8  <cis bes'>16 <dis a'> <bes e c'> <es ges> <c
f>8~ %klaviereinsrechts 14
 \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 2/3 { <c f>8   <cis e> <es bes'>~ | %klaviereinsrechts immer
noch 14
\time 4/4 <es bes'> <e a> <a, es' b'>~ <a es' b'>~  <f' aes> <d g>~
<d g>   <es ges> <es bes'>~ <es bes'>4 <e a>8~ |%klaviereinsrechts 15
 <a, es'~ b'>8  <es' ges> <c f>~ <c f> <cis e> <cis e bes'>~} <cis e
bes'>8 <c es>~ <c es>16 <a d>8 <bes cis>16 | %klaviereinsrechts 116
 <c es a>4. des~ \t{ des8 <des aes'> <bes g'>} | %klaviereinsrechts 17
 <bes g'>8 <c es a>4 des8~ \t { des4 <des aes'> <bes g'>~} |
%klaviereinsrechts 18
 <bes g'>8 <c es a>2.. |  %klaviereinsrechts 19
 des16 r16 r8 r4  %klaviereinsrechts 20
} %ende von klaviereinsrechts. Nicht verschieben, nicht löschen!!

\version "2.11.34"

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