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RE: Manual Staff switching

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: RE: Manual Staff switching
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 21:06:06 -0000


Your music consists of 8 bars in 2/4 plus a 1/16th upbeat, 
but your skip to keep the staff alive is 5 whole notes, ie 
10 bars in 2/4, so there are almost 2 bars left over.  
Write your skips as \skip 16 \skip 2*8 and the two will
end at the same time.

I do not get an extra clef, though.  Perhaps you could 
check this again.

Trevor D

> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden
> [
> address@hidden Behalf Of
> David Fedoruk
> Sent: 31 December 2007 07:32
> To: Lilypond mailing list
> Subject: Manual Staff switching
> Hello;
> In the last bar of a section which has been 
> created with many staff
> switches, I either have two extra bars in the 
> left hand or one to few,
> leaving no double repeat dots. This is part of 
> the B section of a
> piece which I will piece together by using 
> include <>,
> include <>, include ,>. 
> The A sections are
> exactly the same, The code you see below is the 
> first 8 bars of the B
> section.
> How can I remove the last bit of supporting Keep 
> Staff alive content?
> one other problem with this piece is that when I 
> render this code, I
> have an extra treble clef above the two lines of 
> staff I need. What is
> the problem with the template I'm using?
> ############## Code ####################
> \version "2.11.36     "
>  \include ""
>      rh = \relative c'' {
>         \clef treble
>         \key bf \major
>         \time 2/4
>               \mark "Allegro"
> %             \set followVoice = ##t
>               \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
>               \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
>               \set tupletSpannerDuration = 
> #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
>               \override TupletBracket #'transparent = ##t
>               \set Score.currentBarNumber = #25 \bar ""
>               \partial 16 g'16                        
>       |
>               \repeat volta 16 {              
> \times 2/3 { \stemUp  f[ bf, \pp ] \stemDown d
> f,[ bf, ] \stemUp ef'   d [ f,  ] \stemDown bf 
> d,[ bf ] \stemUp d | }
> % bar 25
>               \times 2/3 { c16[ f ] \stemDown gf 
> ef[ bf ] \stemUp d' ef[ f, ]
> \stemDown gf ef[ bf ] \stemUp d' }            | % bar26
>               \times 2/3 { c16[ f, ] \stemDown gf 
> ef[ bf ] \stemUp d'( ef)[ f, ]
> \stemDown ef c[ bf ] \stemUp a'( } | % bar 27
>               \times 2/3 {  bf)[ f ] \change 
> Staff = lh d bf[ a] \change Staff =
> rh c'( d)[ f, ] \change Staff = lh d bf[ g ] 
> \change Staff = rh c'( }
> | % bar 28
>               \times 2/3 { bf)[ f ] \change Staff 
> = lh d bf[ f ] \change Staff =
> rh c''( d )[ g, ]  \change Staff = lh \clef bass 
> c, bf[ e, ] \change
> Staff = rh \clef treble bf''(  } | % bar 29
>               \times 2/3 { a)[ f ] \change Staff 
> = lh c a[ f ] \change Staff = rh
> bf'( c)[ f, ] \change Staff = lh c gs[ d ] 
> \change Staff = rh b''( } |
> % bar 30
>               \times 2/3 { c )[f, ] \change Staff 
> = lh c a[ c, ] \change Staff =
> rh cs''( d )[ e, ] \change Staff = lh bf g[ c, ] 
> \change Staff = rh
> a''( } | % bar 31
>               \times 2/3 { bf )[ c, ] \change 
> Staff = lh bf e,[ c ] \change Staff
> = rh e'( f )[ c ] \change Staff = lh a c,[ f, ] 
> \change Staff = rh
> g''( } |
>               }
>               }
>               lh = \relative c' {
>         \clef bass
>         \key bf \major
>         \time 2/4
>        \skip 1 * 5 % idem
>        }
>      \score { 
>         \new PianoStaff <<
>               \override SpacingSpanner
>               #'base-shortest-duration = 
> #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
>            \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
>            \new Staff = "rh" \rh
>            \new Staff = "lh" \lh
>         >>
>         \layout { }
>         \midi { }
>      }
> Cheers,
> David
> -- 
> David Fedoruk
> B.Mus. UBC,1986
> Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
> "Music is enough for one's life time, but one 
> life time is not enough
> for music" Sergei Rachmaninov
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> address@hidden

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