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Re:How to make the copyright notice appear with the tagline

From: Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Subject: Re:How to make the copyright notice appear with the tagline
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 23:54:19 +1000

Thanks for the upgrade suggestion. I have upgraded to 2.11.43, but the tagline and copyright notice still do not appear on the bottom of the first page. Perhaps the header needs to be in a different place now that I'm in 2.11? Francisco, I noticed in your snippet that the \header block is before any notes.
I tried customizing oddPageFooter... maybe there is a wrong way to do that:
\version "2.11.43"
#(set-global-staff-size 24)
melody = \relative c'' { c d e f }
text = \lyricmode { Do Re Mi Fa }
\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "letter")
    line-width = 7.5\in
    printallheaders = ##t
    oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \column {
        \line { \fromproperty #'header:copyright }
        \line { \fromproperty #'header:tagline }
    } }
\score {
        \new Voice = "one" { \melody }
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
    \header {
        title = "Title"
        subtitle = "Subtitle"
        composer = "Me"
        copyright = "Copyright Information"
    \layout { }
The reason I do not set "tagline" is that I want to see the default LilyPond "PR Tagline" right below the copyright notice. Perhaps I need to set it explicitly? Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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