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Re: also, lyric help

From: James E. Bailey
Subject: Re: also, lyric help
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 10:45:13 +0100

Am 27.12.2008 um 09:59 schrieb Arjan Bos:

On 26 dec 2008, at 21:35, James E. Bailey wrote:


upperVoice = \relative c'' {
c8 d e4 f g |
c8 d e4 f g |
c8 d e4 f g |
c8 d e4 f g |


lowerVoice = \relative c' {
s1 |
c8[ d] e4 f g |
s1 |
c8[ d] e4 f g


textOne = \lyricmode {
        % You know how to write ly -- rics, don’t you?

textTwo = \lyricmode {
        % You know how to write ly -- rics, don’t you?

\score {
                \context Staff = Upper <<
                        \context Voice = "one" \upperVoice
                \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { \textOne }
                \context Staff = Lower <<
                        \context Voice = "two" \lowerVoice
                \lyricsto "two" \new Lyrics { \textTwo }

Maybe that's oldfashioned, but it works for me (with 2.10.33).

I knew I would have to get into explaining this. There is no nesting. What I have are two verses, say,
{\autoBeamOff c8 d e4 f g}
and in the second verse,
{\autoBeamOff c8[ d] e4 f g}.
Engraving that isn't really a problem
\relative {\autoBeamOff <<{\voiceOne c8 d } \new Voice {\voiceTwo c8[ d] }>>\oneVoice e4 f g} That's fine. I have it happening tons of times. The problem is then having lyrics automatically align to these notes. Usually I just name my voice context and be done with it:
\relative {
        \context Voice = "unbeamed notes"
                { \voiceone c8 d}
                \context Voice = "beamed notes" { \voiceTwo c8[ d] }
        >> \oneVoice e4 f g
And then I automatically add text to it, using the above method. Problem is, with it happening 10 or more times in a single piece, I'm having problems aligning all of the lyrics to the appropriate notes.

Well, the way I do this is by doing exactly what Henning proposed: split your (almost) implicit voices in explicit, separate voices. The only problem I then have is filling up the second voice with enough spacer notes so that they are position correctly. I augmented the proposal with a few notes so as to make my idea clear. This makes the alignment of lyrics to notes automatically correct.

How is a voice (almost) implicit? I explicitly create the first voice "unbeamed notes" and then I explicitly create the second voice "beamed notes". Both voices are explicitly created. The problem I have is that when I switch between voices in my melody, the lyrics don't pick up when the voice comes back. Is that a bug? Maybe I don't understand voice or lyrics contexts, but I read that things are carried over in a voice context. Bah. I guess I'll just do this the long way.

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