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Re: Shrinking score size

From: Helge Kruse
Subject: Re: Shrinking score size
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 17:27:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090403 SeaMonkey/1.1.16

Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
Op donderdag 21 mei 2009, schreef Helge Kruse:

I have a choir score that originally fit on one page. After writing it
with Lilypond the last measure is on an additional page. How do I shrink
the size? I think there should be room for shrink at the lower part.

I fixed some errors (- without space) in the lyrics so the notes were better spaced out, and set global-staff-size to 18, which is nicer than the default 20 for multi-staff scores. And removed the ragged-right setting.

btw: using -- instead of single - in the lyrics gives nice centered hyphens between syllabes.


many thanks for reply. Now I get it on the paper. With your's and Francisco's help I have now a satisfying layout.

% Created on Thu May 21 13:18:02 CEST 2009
#(ly:set-option 'midi-extension "midi") 
#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
\version "2.13.0"

#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\header {
        title = "Evening Rise"
        composer = "trad. indianisch"
        arranger = "Satz: Meinhard Ansohn"
        tagline = ""

\include ""

verseSopran= \lyricmode {
        Eve ning ri -- ses, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, the day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, with the heart -- beat of the sea.

verseSopranMeldody = \lyricmode {
        Eve ning rise, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, when the day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, with the heart -- beat of the sea.

verseAltI= \lyricmode {
        Eve ning rise, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, when the day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, heart -- beat of the sea.

verseAltII= \lyricmode {
        Eve ning rise, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, when the day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, with the heart -- beat of the sea.

verseTenor= \lyricmode {
        Eve ning rise, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, when the day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, with the heart -- beat of the sea.

verseBass= \lyricmode {
        Eve ning rise, Spi -- rit come, sun goes down, day is done.
        Moth -- er Earth a -- wa -- kens me, heart -- beat of the sea.

staffSopranoI = \new Staff  {
        \time 4/4
        \set Staff.instrumentName= \markup { \column { "Sopran" "Oberstimme" } }
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodySop" {
 % Type notes here 
                e8(^\markup{ \box{ 6 } } fis) g( a) h4 h8( c) |
                h4 a8( g) a2 |
                d4 d a4. d8 |
                d4 c h2 |
                h8 c h2 a8( g) |
                a8 h a2 h8 a |
                g8( fis) e4 a g8( fis) |

        \bar "|."

staffSopranoII = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.instrumentName= \markup { \column {"Sopran" "Melodie" } }
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodySopB" {
 % Type notes here 
                e4^\markup{ \box{ 1 } } h'4 h2 |
                a4 h e,2 |
                g4 g fis g8 fis |
                e4 h' h2 |
                e,4 h'4 h4. h8 |
                a4 h e, e8 fis |
                g4 g fis g8( fis) |

        \bar "|."

staffAltoI = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.instrumentName="Alt I"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodyAlt" {
 % Type notes here 
                e4^\markup{ \box{ 3 } } g fis2 |
                g4 g e2 |
                e4 d d e8 d |
                h4 g'8( fis) dis2 |
                e4 g fis4. fis8 |
                g4 g8(fis) e2 |
                e4 e d d |

        \bar "|."

staffAltoII = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.instrumentName="Alt II"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodyAltB" {
 % Type notes here 
                e4^\markup{ \box{ 2 } } e dis2 |
                d?4 d cis2 |
                c?4 c d h8 d |
                e4 e fis2 |
                e4 e dis4. dis8 |
                d?4 d cis cis8 cis |
                c?4 c d h |

        \bar "|."

staffTenorI = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.instrumentName="Tenor"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef "G_8"
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodyTen" {
 % Type notes here 
                e,4^\markup{ \box{ 5 } } e fis2 |
                g8( fis) g(a) h2 |
                c8( h) g4 a g8 a |
                h4 h a2 |
                g4 e fis4. h8 |
                h4 g h e,8 e |
                e4 g c8( h) a4 |

        \bar "|."

staffBassI = \new Staff  {
        \set Staff.instrumentName="Bass"
        \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
        \key g \major
        \clef bass
        \relative c' {  
                \context Voice = "melodyBas" {
 % Type notes here 
                e,4^\markup{ \box{ 4 } } e8( d) h2 |
                d4 h a2 |
                c4 e d2 |
                g8( fis) e4 h2 |
                e4 e8( d) h4. cis8 |
                d4 g, fis2 |
                c'4 c d d |

        \bar "|."


harmonies =  \new ChordNames \chordmode {

\score {
        \new ChoirStaff <<
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodySop" \verseSopran }
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopB" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodySopB" \verseSopranMeldody }
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodyAlt" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodyAlt" \verseAltI }
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodyAltB" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodyAltB" \verseAltII }
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodyTen" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodyTen" \verseTenor }
                \context Lyrics = "lmelodyBas" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto 
"melodyBas" \verseBass }
        \midi {

        \layout  {
                #(layout-set-staff-size 18)
                \context { \Score 
                        \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-5 . 1)

\paper {
        #(set-paper-size "a4")
        between-system-padding = #0.1
        ragged-last-bottom = ##f
        ragged-bottom = ##f

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