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Re: transposing etc

From: Bill Mooney
Subject: Re: transposing etc
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 13:30:22 +1200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Dear Peter, and Chip and Jonathan,
Your comments have provided great guidance for this occasional user! :)

My question about transposing did indeed relate to the usage of transposing an entire piece, after it had been encoded earlier - perhaps obtained from another source altogether. The process seems to me to be not entirely straightforward - the more complex the piece is the seemingly more difficult it might be to affect the transposition. Probably I have to do a fair bit of testing with more and more complex scores to see what works in each case.

Workflow is idiosyncratic! :) What works for one might be quite unintuitive for another - at least it's good to know that "this is the best way" doesn't hold good!

I have attached a simple example based on the SATB template to show what I've done with transposing, and how I tend to manage my workflow.

\version "2.12.0"
dedication = "Dedication"
title = "Incy Wincy Spider"
subtitle = "subtitle"
subsubtitle = " sub-sub title "
composer = "anon"
copyright = "2008"
poet = " poet et al "
meter = " meter "
opus = " opus number "
arranger = " arranger "
instrument = " instrument "
piece = " piece "
tagline = "tagline"


#(set-paper-size "a4" )
%#(set-paper-size "a3" )
line-width = 165\mm % paper-width = 297\mm
%line-width = 290\mm % paper-height = 410\mm
left-margin = 25\mm
page-top-space  =  5\mm
between-system-space = 20\mm
between-system-padding = #8
ragged-bottom = ##t
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
#(set-global-staff-size 18) % the default is 20. 18 allows more music per page

global =

%\key c \major %{ uncommenting this line and removing the \key from the ' 
sopMusic ' seems to give 'different' results }%
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 3/8
sopMusic = \relative c' {
\key c \major
c4 b8
c4 d8
e4 e8
d4 c8
d4 e8
e4 f8
f4 e8
f4 g8
g4 g8
e4 d8
d4 f8
c,4 b8
c4 d8
e4 e8
d4 c8
d4 e8

sopWords = \lyricmode {
In -- cy win -- cy spi -- der climbed up the wat -- er spout.
Down came the rain and washed poor In -- cy out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, so
In -- cy win -- cy spi -- der climbed up the spout a -- gain
%altoMusic = \relative c'' {  }
%altoWords =\lyricmode {  }
%tenorMusic = \relative c' {  }
%tenorWords = \lyricmode {  }
%bassMusic = \relative c' {  }
%bassWords = \lyricmode {  }

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }
      \new Staff = women <<
        \new Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \global  \transpose c' c' { 
\sopMusic  } >> }
       % \new Voice = altos { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
      %\new Lyrics = altos { s1 }
      %\new Lyrics = tenors { s1 }
      %\new Staff = men <<
       % \clef bass
       % \new Voice = tenors { \voiceOne <<\global \tenorMusic >> }
       % \new Voice = basses { \voiceTwo <<\global \bassMusic >> }
      %\new Lyrics = basses { s1 }
      \context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords
      %\context Lyrics = altos \lyricsto altos \altoWords
     % \context Lyrics = tenors \lyricsto tenors \tenorWords
     % \context Lyrics = basses \lyricsto basses \bassWords
   % \new PianoStaff <<
   %   \new Staff <<
   %     \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
   %     \partcombine
   %     << \global \sopMusic >>
   % << \global \altoMusic >>
   %  >>
   %   \new Staff <<
   %     \clef bass
   %    \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f
   %    \partcombine
   %    << \global \tenorMusic >>
   %    << \global \bassMusic >>
   %  >>
 % >>
  \layout {

    \context {
      % a little smaller so lyrics
      % can be closer to the staff
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)

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