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Re: Chords with tie: a bug?

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Chords with tie: a bug?
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:06:52 +0100
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.5)

Quoting "Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)" <address@hidden>:

LilyPond ties the chords. Actually you want separate voices, as a tie's meaning is different of a slur:

<d' f' a'> ~ <des' f' aes'> is actually a polyphonic part, so I think it should be written like:

<< { <d' a'>( <des' aes'>) } \\ { f' ~ f' } >>, or better readability:

<< { <d' a'>( <des' aes'>) } \\ { f'2 } >>

So actually what LilyPond fails to do: automatically tie same notes in different chords, but I'm not sure it should.

I just tried with version 2.10, where { <d' f' a'> ~ <des' f' aes'> <d' f'~> <des' f'> } gives ties between the f for both pairs of chords, whereas 2.12 and 2.13 draw the tie below both chords. Seems like a regression bug compared to 2.10!



Richard Sabey wrote:
Lilypond 2.13.6 has what looks like a bug: when two chords are to be tied, and there are notes that should be tied, and also notes that are on the same level but have different pitches and thus should not be tied, sometimes the latter are tied and the former are not.

This happens even if the ~ is attached specifically to the note that is to be at the left-hand end of the tie.

The buggy behaviour doesn't always happen, but sometimes does if
1) stems go up and
2) there are notes that are to be tied, which are above notes that are at the same level but are not to be tied.

I'm sorry if this has been raised before; I didn't find it when I looked in the forum's archives for "tie note chord".

%%% begin lilypond example %%%
\version "2.13.6"
music =
<d' f'> ~ <des' f'> % Lilypond wrongly ties the d' to the des', and wrongly doesn't tie the f' to the f'. <d' f'~> <des' f'> % Lilypond wrongly ties the d' to the des', and wrongly doesn't tie the f' to the f'.
<d' f'> ~ <d' fis'> % Lilypond gets this right
<d'~ f'> <d' fis'> % Lilypond gets this right
<b d' f'> ~ <b des' f'> % Lilypond gets this right
<b d' f'~> <b des' f'> % Lilypond wrongly ties the d' to the des', and wrongly doesn't tie the f' to the f'. <d' f' a'> ~ <des' f' aes'> % Lilypond wrongly ties the d' to the des', and wrongly doesn't tie the f' to the f'. <d' f'~ a'> <des' f' aes'> % Lilypond wrongly ties the d' to the des', and wrongly doesn't tie the f' to the f'.

\transpose d d' \music % test using chords with stems down; the ties here look OK
%%% end lilypond example %%%
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