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Re: String number in/out of the staff

From: Nick Payne
Subject: Re: String number in/out of the staff
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 16:37:49 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091229 Thunderbird/3.0

\override Fingering #'staff-padding = #'() % vertical fingering inside the staff \override StringNumber #'staff-padding = #'() % vertical string numbers inside the staff \override StrokeFinger #'staff-padding = #'() % vertical stroke fingering inside the staff

To ensure that fingering etc avoids stems on chords, you may need the following:

\override Fingering #'add-stem-support = ##t
\override StringNumber #'add-stem-support = ##t
\override StrokeFinger #'add-stem-support = ##t

See s.2.4.1 of the latest notation reference.


On 05/02/10 15:02, Bobber wrote:
Ok, I'm getting the hang of things a little better now.

Here's a tricky measure I'm working on. It has left hand fingerings and a string number. I don't quite understand the behavior of the string number. If I designate right or left, it goes next to the note and on the staff. But if I put up or down, it goes off the staff. I would like to designate down but have it go right below the not and on the staff.
% measure  19:
{ \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
          r8 <e'-4\2>8 <g'-2> <e'-4> <g'-2>4 }  \\
         { \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left) <e-1>2. }
>>    \break

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