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Re: Complex time signature

From: Arle Lommel
Subject: Re: Complex time signature
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 13:18:31 -0500

Hi Hans,

Both formats are used. It's really a matter of which tradition you are working 
in. For Hungarian stuff this is the normal representation:

PNG image

I'm guessing in Bulgaria the other notation is the norm (although I don't work 
with it so I don't know)

Here's a tiny example (just about as tiny as I can make with Reinhold's 
materials integrated anyway). I've updated it to work with 2.13.38-1 (the 
version I have installed at the moment), which *greatly* improved the beaming 
control over versions before 2.13.30. It returns some errors related to 
Reinhold's script ("warning: cannot find property type-check for `beatLength' 
(translation-type?).  perhaps a typing error?") but it works anyway.

I think it would be ideal if Reinhold’s functions could be integrated into the 
core of Lilypond, as they provide a really excellent way of getting either type 
of result.


\version "2.13.38" 
\header { 
        title = "Táncolj kecske! (Dance, Goat, Dance!)" 
        composer = "Trad. Moldavian
        (Magyar Dudazenekar)"

% Compound time signature display taken from

% Formatting of (possibly complex) compound time signatures

#(define-public (insert-markups l m)
  (let* ((ll (reverse l)))
    (let join-markups ((markups (list (car ll)))
                       (remaining (cdr ll)))
      (if (pair? remaining)
        (join-markups (cons (car remaining) (cons m markups)) (cdr remaining))

% Use a centered-column inside a left-column, because the centered column 
% moves its reference point to the center, which the left-column undoes. 
% The center-column also aligns its contented centered, which is not undone...
#(define-public (format-time-fraction time-sig-fraction)
  (let* ((revargs (reverse (map number->string time-sig-fraction)))
         (den (car revargs))
         (nums (reverse (cdr revargs))))
    (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 0)
        (make-left-column-markup (list
          (make-center-column-markup (list
            (make-line-markup (insert-markups nums "+"))

#(define-public (format-complex-compound-time time-sig)
  (let* ((sigs (map format-time-fraction time-sig)))
    (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 0)
          (insert-markups sigs (make-vcenter-markup "+")))))))

#(define-public (format-compound-time time-sig)
    ((not (pair? time-sig)) (null-markup))
    ((pair? (car time-sig)) (format-complex-compound-time time-sig))
    (else (format-time-fraction time-sig))))

% Measure length calculation of (possibly complex) compound time signatures

#(define-public (calculate-time-fraction time-sig-fraction)
  (let* ((revargs (reverse time-sig-fraction))
         (den (car revargs))
         (nums (cdr revargs)))
    (ly:make-moment (apply + nums) den)))

#(define-public (calculate-complex-compound-time time-sig)
  (let* ((sigs (map calculate-time-fraction time-sig)))
    (let add-moment ((moment ZERO-MOMENT)
                     (remaining sigs))
      (if (pair? remaining)
        (add-moment (ly:moment-add moment (car remaining)) (cdr remaining))

#(define-public (calculate-compound-measure-length time-sig)
    ((not (pair? time-sig)) (ly:make-moment 4 4))
    ((pair? (car time-sig)) (calculate-complex-compound-time time-sig))
    (else (calculate-time-fraction time-sig))))

% Beat Grouping

% #(define-public (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig)
%   (let* ((den (map last time-sig)))
%     (apply max den)))

% #(define-public (calculate-compound-beat-grouping time-sig beat)
%   (cond
%     ((not (pair? time-sig)) 4)
%     ((pair? (car time-sig)) (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig))
%     (else (calculate-compound-base-beat-full (list time-sig))))))

% Base beat lenth

#(define-public (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig)
  (let* ((den (map last time-sig)))
    (apply max den)))

#(define-public (calculate-compound-base-beat time-sig)
  (ly:make-moment 1 (cond
    ((not (pair? time-sig)) 4)
    ((pair? (car time-sig)) (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig))
    (else (calculate-compound-base-beat-full (list time-sig))))))

% The music function to set the complex time signature

compoundMeter =
#(define-music-function (parser location args) (pair?)
  (let* ((mlen (calculate-compound-measure-length args))
         (beat (calculate-compound-base-beat args))
;          (beatGrouping (calculate-compound-beat-grouping args beat))
;   (display "Time signature: ")(display args)(newline)
;   (display "beat grouping: ")(display beatGrouping)(newline)
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = #(format-compound-time $args)
% \set Staff.beatGrouping = #(reverse (cdr (reverse $args)))
\set Timing.measureLength = $mlen
\set Timing.timeSignatureFraction = #(cons (ly:moment-main-numerator $mlen)
                                           (ly:moment-main-denominator $mlen))
\set Timing.beatLength = $beat

% TODO: Implement beatGrouping and auto-beam-settings!!!
#} ))

\relative c'' {
                \new Staff {
                        \clef treble
                        \key a \mixolydian
                        \compoundMeter #'((3 3 4 16)) 
                        \time 10/16 
                        \set beatStructure = #'(3 3 4)
                        a16^"A" b16 a16 cis8 a16 cis8 a16 b16 |
                        fis'8. \acciaccatura a,8 fis'8. \acciaccatura a8 e4 |
                        e16. fis16. e16. d16. cis8 a8 |
                        b8. \acciaccatura a8 b8 a16 cis4 |

On Jan 14, 2011, at 12:51 , Hans Aberg wrote:

> On 14 Jan 2011, at 18:28, Arle Lommel wrote:
>> Even if that is perfect for your needs, you might want to take a look at 
>> Reinhold’s code anyway. It provides the proper Bartókian output (3+3+2/8), 
>> while the LSR code can only produce 3/8 + 3/8 + 2/8 type output. I prefer 
>> the former as cleaner and easier to read.
> I have another Bartok example
>  4+2+3
>    8
> However, the LSR Sedi Donka meter <> 
> is in a Bulgarian book written as
>  7+7+11
>  8 8 8
> with the '+' centered of course.

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