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bar line placing question

From: Mark Wirdnam
Subject: bar line placing question
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 10:55:54 +0200


Lilypond is absolutely fantastic, but my knowledge of musical notation
might be a bit lacking. In the example below I don't understand how
lilypond chooses to place the bar lines, which means the result is not
what I intended.

I'm using version 2.12.3-1 on the mac.

To the best of my knowledge bar 6, which consists only of rests, is
only 14 16ths long. As a consequence "here" is not at the beginning of
bar 7 like I wanted, and again "should" should be the beginning of bar
8. finally bar 9 appears to consist of 18 16ths.

Probably I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. So if
somebody is willing to help me, that would be so nice!


\version "2.12.3"
\paper {
top-margin = 0\mm
bottom-margin = 0\mm
before-title-space = 0\mm
after-title-space = 29\mm
page-count = 1
tagline = ""

\header { title = "example snippet" subtitle = "~ 105 bpm" }

\relative c'' {
\key e \major

\partial 4 b4 |
b8. gis8. gis4 (gis2) r2 r4 e4
cis'8. b8. a8. gis8. fis4 r2 r4 cis'4
b8. gis8. fis8 (fis2) r2 r4  r8 r16 cis16
d8 cis16 d16 (d8) fis4 b,8 (b8) (b16) b16
d8 e16 d16 (d8) cis4 e4 fis8 (fis8) gis4. r2 r1


\addlyrics {

this is a test
dis- play- ing my con- cern
that bar with rests
this here is an up- beat
there should be one here too what's wrong?


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