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Global font and global size malfunction

From: Mario Moles
Subject: Global font and global size malfunction
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 13:34:01 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.8.4 (Linux/3.2.20-nrj-netbook-1rosa.lts; KDE/4.8.4; x86_64; ; )

Hi lilyponders!

In the example make-pango-font-tree and #(set-global-staff-size 16) malfunction:

The font does not change if #(set-global-staff-size 16 is active.

You have an answer?

thank you!

\version "2.15.40"


\header {

% Elimina la tagline predefinita di LilyPond

tagline = ##f



#(set! paper-alist (cons '("my size" . (cons (* 5 cm) (* 2 cm))) paper-alist))


#(set-paper-size "my size")

myStaffSize = #16

#(define fonts

(make-pango-font-tree "URW Palladio L"

"URW Palladio L"

"URW Palladio L"

(/ myStaffSize 16)))


#(set-global-staff-size 16)

global = {

\key c \major

\time 4/4



sopranoVoice = \relative c'' {



% Qui segue la musica.

a b c d



verse = \lyricmode {

% Qui seguono le parole.

Q we r ty



\score {

\new Staff \with {

midiInstrument = "choir aahs"

} { \sopranoVoice }

\addlyrics { \verse }

\layout { }

\midi {

\context {


tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)






Da ognuno secondo le proprie capacità ad ognuno secondo i propri bisogni.


MIB Lilypond Frescobaldi Rosegarden

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