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Re: prall with accidental

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: prall with accidental
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 15:24:04 +0100 (CET)

>>> The naïve approach
>>>   prallSharp = -\tweak Script.script-priority #-100              
>>>                ^\prall       
>>>                -\tweak X-offset #0.4
>>>                ^\markup { \fontsize #-5 \sharp }
>>> doesn't work, and I wonder whether there exists a solution without
>>> a lot of Scheme code – and where I should find hints in the manual
>>> for that...
>> No solution of that kind, really, as an event-function can only
>> produce a single post-event.  Try creating a single event by messing
>> with the stencil of some script.
> Thanks, will go that route.  BTW, is this limitation documented
> somewhere?  I'm quite sure that other people have tried or will try
> something similar and fail...

Here is my solution.

  prallSharp = \markup {
                 \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.5)
                 \center-column {
                   \fontsize #-6 \sharp
                   \musicglyph #"scripts.prall" } }
  prallFlat = \markup {
                \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.2)
                \center-column {
                  \fontsize #-6 \flat
                  \musicglyph #"scripts.prall" } }

  \relative c' {
    f4^\prallSharp f4^\prallFlat


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