% ----------------------------------------------------------- % Mozart Quartet K464 Line 1 Bb Clarinet pitch \ % File K464_Bb_L1.ly \ % ---------------------------------------------------------- \version "2.16.0" #(set-global-staff-size 20) %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % variables for later use to avoid repititions %--------------------------------------------------------------------- date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time))) xtitle = "Cassazione" xsubtitle = " for Oboe Clarinet French Horn and Bassoon" xChristian = "Johann Georg" xSurname = "Lickl" xdates = "(1769-1843)" xpart = "Flute 1" xinstrument = "Flute [1]" xmidiInstrument = "flute" xgraphic="./mozza2.eps" xstamp = \markup{\concat { "Engraved " \bold \date " with " \with-url #"http://lilypond.org/" "LilyPond " \simple #(lilypond-version) " (http://lilypond.org/)" } } %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % variable to control minimum ledger space after pageturn shrinkage %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ledgers = \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'minimum-length-fraction = #0.4 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % header for the first page only %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \header { mycustomtext= \markup { \fill-line { \column { \center-align { \xstamp " " \fontsize #-1 "http://imslp.org/wiki/Cassazione_(Lickl,_Johann_Georg)" \fontsize #-1 "Copyright @ 1996 by Oliver Seeley and assigned to the public domain" } } } } } % ----------------------------------------------------------- % define staffclarinet % ----------------------------------------------------------- staffinstrument = \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = \xinstrument \set Staff.midiInstrument = \xmidiInstrument } % ----------------------------------------------------------- % set the paper layout for binding % footer has title and page number % ----------------------------------------------------------- \paper { two-sided = ##t top-margin = 10\mm bottom-margin = 10\mm inner-margin = 20 \mm outer-margin = 15 \mm binding-offset = 5 \mm first-page-number = #1 blank-after-score-page-force = #10 page-breaking = #ly:page-turn-breaking ragged-bottom = ##t indent = 15\mm print-page-number = ##t print-first-page-number = ##f oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \null evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \null oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \null \fontsize #2 \fromproperty #'header:mycustomtext \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fontsize #2 \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } % end of fill line } % end of markup block evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup } % end of paper block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % typeset the music in a book % use bookpart for individual movements % ----------------------------------------------------------- \book { % ----------------------------------------------------------- % Frontispiece block - note use of variables % ----------------------------------------------------------- \markup { \fill-line { \column { \center-align { \vspace #2 \fontsize #10 \concat { \xChristian " " \xSurname } \vspace #1 \fontsize #6 \xdates \vspace #1 \fontsize #10 \xtitle \vspace #1 \fontsize #5 \xsubtitle \vspace #1 \fontsize #4 "transposed for flute, clarinet/alto, clarinet and bass clarinet" % \vspace #1 \general-align #Y #DOWN { \epsfile #Y #40 #"./gambaro.eps" } \vspace #3 \fontsize #10 \xpart } } } } \markup {\vspace #3 \fontsize #-1 \justify-string #"Johann Georg Lickl (Ligkl, Hanz-Georg and in Hungarian, Lickl György) was born 11 April 1769 in the village of Korneuburg on the left bank of the Danube in Lower Austria, 12 km upstream from Vienna. Lickl was orphaned at an early age. Witzig, the organist at the town church, had observed the boy’s musical precocity and offered to become his teacher. Lickl moved to Vienna at the age of 16 where he studied under Johann Georg Albrechtsberger and Haydn. Albrechtsberger had come from Klosterneuburg, the river town on the bank opposite Korneuburger and Lickl may have been interested in studying with Albrechtsberger because they came from the same region. In any case, Albrechtsberger, 33 years Lickl’s senior, had developed a well-regarded reputation as a musical theorist and attracted pupils who later became accomplished composers, among them Hummel, Moscheles, Weigl and Beethoven. Lickl remained firmly ensconced in the rich musical atmosphere of Vienna, becoming the organist at the Carmelite church in Leopoldstadt, the 2nd municipal district of Vienna. He served as Kapellmeister at several churches in the area and, consistent with his position, devoted himself to composing sacred works appropriate to be played on the organ for ecclesiastical obligations and miscellaneous Church celebrations. As time allowed, he wrote operas, a wind quintet and three string quartets. He collaborated with Emanuel Schikaneder on a collection of Singspiele in the 1790s for the Theater auf der Wieden until 1807 when he moved nearly 300 km south to Fünfkirchen (today Pécs, in Hungary) to become organist and Kapellmeister in the main church. He served as Kapellmeister there for 36 years until his death at age 74 on 12 May, 1843. The present work was published by Albert J. Andraud in 1936 with the claim that it had been discovered in 1910 as a lost work of Mozart. However, a recent listing of this work in the catalog of the University of California states, “Originally thought to have been composed by Mozart [but] later determined to have been composed by Johann Georg Lickl.”" } \pageBreak % ----------------------------------------------------------- % use this text for a blank page as required % ---------------------------------------------------------- % \bookpart { % \markuplist { % \vspace #20 % \justified-lines { % \hspace #20 This page is intentionally left blank } % } % \header { piece =\markup {\hspace #40 \fontsize #5 \bold " " } % mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " -" \xinstrument } } % } % end of bookpart block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % First bookpart block % ---------------------------------------------------------- \bookpart{ \score { << \staffinstrument \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #first-bar-number-invisible-save-broken-bars \include "Cass_Cc_M1_L1.ly " \ledgers >> } % end of Score block \header { piece = \markup {\hspace #30 \fontsize #5 \bold "I - Adagio/Allegro"} mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " I -" \xinstrument } } % end of header block } %end of bookpart block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % Second bookpart block note revised header % ----------------------------------------------------------- \bookpart { \score { << \staffinstrument \include "Cass_Cc_M2_L1.ly" \ledgers >> } % end of score block \header { piece =\markup {\hspace #30 \fontsize #5 \bold "II - Menuetto" } mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " II -" \xinstrument } } } % end of bookpart block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % Third Score block note blank page revised header % ----------------------------------------------------------- \bookpart { \score { << \staffinstrument \include "Cass_Cc_M3_L1.ly" \ledgers >> } % end of score block \header { mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " III -" \xinstrument } piece = \markup {\hspace #30 \fontsize #5 \bold "III - Adagio"} } } % end of bookpart block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % Fourth Score block note revised header % ----------------------------------------------------------- \bookpart { \score { << \staffinstrument \include "Cass_Cc_M4_L1.ly" \ledgers >> } % end of score block \header { mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " IV -" \xinstrument } piece = \markup { \hspace #30 \fontsize #5 \bold "IV - Pollacca"} } } % end of bookpart block % ----------------------------------------------------------- % Fith Score block note revised header % ----------------------------------------------------------- \bookpart { \score { << \staffinstrument \include "Cass_Cc_M5_L1.ly" \ledgers >> } % end of score block \header { mycustomtext = \markup { \xSurname \xtitle " V -" \xinstrument } piece = \markup { \hspace #30 \fontsize #5 \bold "V - Presto"} } } % end of bookpart block } % end of book block