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Cadenza on two staves

From: Tommaso Gordini
Subject: Cadenza on two staves
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 08:27:29 +0200

Hello to all,
I have to play three musical examples that you see in the attachment. I tried with the following code (the arrows are useful to me), but apparently I'm wrong something. You can help me or tell me which part of the documentation I have to see?

Is there a way to space the notes in a cadence in a uniform way? In another example, I noticed that this does not happen if I put in the cadence whole notes and quarter notes, the latter are printed closer to whole notes.

Grazie e ciao

The code:

\version "2.16.2"

% ^\markup { \small { Serie armonica del fa (\rotate #45 "↗": crescente; \rotate #-135 "↗": calante) } }

stringNumberSettings =

\layout {

\context {


\override StringNumber #'Y-extent =



(lambda (grob start end) (ly:grob::stencil-height grob)))

stringNumberOrientations = #'(right)

\override StringNumber #'padding = 0



\relative c' {


\new Staff { \clef "treble"


c1 e g

bes4_\markup \rotate #-135 "↗" \stemDown

c1 d e

f4^\markup \rotate #45 "↗"

g1 a4_\markup \rotate #-135 "↗"

bes^\markup \rotate #45 "↗" b1 c


\bar "||"


\new Staff { \clef "bass"

\key c \major







\layout {

\context {

\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver"


\context {


\remove "Bar_number_engraver"

\override Stem #'transparent = ##t

\override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t



Attachment: armonici6piedi.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: armonici12piedi.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: estensionemedia.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: seriearmonica.png
Description: PNG image

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