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Re: Lyric separator

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: Lyric separator
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:42:48 +0200

2013/9/20 David Kastrup <address@hidden>:
> Janek Warchoł <address@hidden> writes:
>> 2013/9/20 David Nalesnik <address@hidden>:
>>> Well, I didn't find a solution for this that would determine automatically
>>> syllables that start a line.  I had to resort to manually tagging the
>>> syllables in question.  Using the engraver linked to would take care of the
>>> syllable alignment, and use of one of the functions floating about this
>>> thread would handle the underlining.  (Once the syllables were aligned,
>>> naturally so too would the lines.)
>>> By the way, the last version of the engraver (which determined the longest
>>> syllable to align to) is found here:
>> As far as i can see this engraver doesn't work with 2.14.2, so it
>> cannot be added to LSR (unless i'm missing something big?), but it's
>> way too awesome to let it become accidentally forgotten.
> If that is the case, is there a particular reason you don't add it to
> Documentation/snippets in the regular LilyPond distribution?

Honestly?  Here's why:

1) Why i didn't think about it in the first place:
   a) the last time i tried to do something with snippets, i was
      utterly confused as to how it's working.  This resulted in me not
      touching this stuff again, and thus i've forgotten that it
   b) i mistakenly believed that all snippets have to go through LSR.

2) Why i haven't done it now?
   a) Well, i tried.  I've looked at the documentation, but i
      didn't manage to do this in 15 minutes (in particular, i don't
      have time to run 'make doc' now, but even without that i didn't
      manage to find all necessary information).
   b) The snippet is quite undocumented, and i don't have time to
      write the documentation at the moment.  Maybe i would try it if
      the previous step was shorter.
   c) I don't have time to go through the review.  It usually
      involves fixing a lot of nitpicks, and i don't have time for
      this.  And if anyone had any objections about the scheme code, i
      wouldn't be able to fix them because it's beyond my head.  Anyway,
      having to handle reviews in the current form is a distraction.

None of the above reasons would stop me if i had enough
motivation. But i have 0 motivation at the moment, thanks to the
"github" discussion and other recent experiences on the mailing
list. Only because i care about LilyPond i've forced myself to
spend 15 minutes trying to figure out how this works, and then 20
minutes writing this email. Don't ask me for more unless you can
increase my motivation.


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