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Re: How can I make a markup-text with a concatanation of italic text and

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: How can I make a markup-text with a concatanation of italic text and the \sustainOn symbol?
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 11:40:18 +0100

On 22.01.2017 10:36, Robert Blackstone wrote:
I am presently re-engraving a number of almost forgotten piano pieces.
One of them has under the first bar of the LH staff the text: "/sempre 2 Ped/", Ped being the usual standard notation as generated by \sustainOn.

Although the LilyPond documentation tells me somewhere that "Pedal indications may be placed in a Dynamics context, which aligns them on a horizontal line." this does obviously not imply that a markup-construction such as "\markup {\line {\concat \italic { più } { \dynamics f } }}" can be used in my case.

What should I do here to align "/sempre 2/" with \sustainOn?

You can of course use a markup construction. The ‘Ped’ symbol is available through \markup { \musicglyph #"pedal.Ped" }, see <> and <> for \musicglyph.
So you /should/ be able to just do this:

\version "2.18.2"

sustainBothMrkp = \markup { sempre 2 \musicglyph #"pedal.Ped" }
sustainBothOn = -\tweak text \sustainBothMrkp \sustainOn

\new Staff {

which would then work equally fine in Staff and Dynamics contexts.

However, I get ‘warning: SustainPedal has empty extent and non-empty stencil’ and \sustainBothOn isn’t printed, which I don’t know why. Anyone?

Best, Simon

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