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Re: Lines or Boxes without reference to score or stave

From: Jeffery Shivers
Subject: Re: Lines or Boxes without reference to score or stave
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 14:09:34 -0400

Hi Guy,

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 11:33 AM Guy Stalnaker <address@hidden> wrote:
> What I want to do is put a box, visually, around the engraved score, but 
> independent of the engraved score. There will be two boxes, one (dashed or 
> dotted) representing the margins of the document, and another .25" larger 
> that represents a paper-size (this has to do with providing engraved music 
> output that will be placed on non-standard sized paper by another person). 
> The boxes show them where their margins/paper is on the engraving to allow 
> them a sense for how much space the score will consume in their final 
> document.
> This is basically four straight lines, two horizontal and two vertical but 
> with reference to absolute page positioning, e.g., Line1: start 1.5" down 
> from top margin and 1" in from left margin and draw horizontal for 7.5", 
> Line2: start 1.5" down from top margin and 1" in from left margin and draw 
> down 8.0", etc.. Everything that I've seen thus far are markup of some kind 
> that are entered in reference to the score or, with the Notation Reference 
> entries for \draw-hline for example, only seem to draw a line wherever the 
> markup is place and not at an absolute position.
> I can, of course, output to png, open png in image editor and add the boxes 
> manually, but it would be easier :-) to do this in lilypond. Maybe.

A slightly less manual way would be to compile your normal LP document
then embed those pages in a LaTeX document and draw the lines/boxes
with some simple macros and/or TikZ. Here are some ways people have
done similar things:

Maybe that's more *manual* than you want though. Idk. But that's what
I would recommend as a simple solution anyway.

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