%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.1.3 %%http://www.gnu.org/software/denemo/ \version "2.18.0" CompactChordSymbols = {} #(define DenemoTransposeStep 0) #(define DenemoTransposeAccidental 0) DenemoGlobalTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location arg)(ly:music?) #{\transpose c c#arg #}) titledPiece = {} AutoBarline = {} AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|." % The music follows MvmntIVoiceI = { \partial 256*32 d'8\AutoBarline b' a' b'4 a'8 b' \bar "||" a'2.~ \AutoBarline a'4^\markup\scale #'(.5 . .5)\column{\line{{\center-column \tiny{ \line {{\italic "Can modulate" }} \line{{\italic "to D7 and repeat"}} \line {{\italic " \"Please\" verse 5"}}} }} } r2\AutoBarline %5 R1*3/4\AutoBarline \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -5/8) \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta (make-scale-markup '(1 . 1)(make-line-markup (list (make-musicglyph-markup "two")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup "four")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)))))) r2 r8 \bar ":|." \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)) \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta (make-scale-markup '(1 . 1)(make-line-markup (list (make-musicglyph-markup "one")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup "three")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup "five")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)))))) R1*3/4\AutoBarline e''8 e'' fis''2\AutoBarline d''8 b' a'2\AutoBarline %10 g'2.\AutoBarline R1*3/4\AutoBarline <> ^\markup\scale #'(1 . 1)\column{\line{\italic {D.C. on 1 & 3}} } r2 r8 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)) \bar "|."} MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseI = \lyricmode { I knew a man Bo -- jan down __ Mis -- ter Bo -- jan -- \skip4 "gles " __ "dance " __ } MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseII = \lyricmode { I met him in a cell steo } MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIII = \lyricmode { He danc'd for those at Min grieves } MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIV = \lyricmode { He said I dance now at please } MvmntIVoiceIVerseIVContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIV \lyricsto MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIV MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIII \lyricsto MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIII MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseII \lyricsto MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseII MvmntIVoiceIVerseIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseI \lyricsto MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseI %Default Score Layout \header{DenemoLayoutName = "Default Score Layout" instrumentation = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" "Full Score"} } \header { tagline = \markup {"/home/rshann/git-denemo/denemo/Gingrich.denemo" on \simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime (current-time)))} dedication = ##f title = \markup \with-url #'"scheme:(DenemoSetTitles \"ScoreTitles\" 'title #t)" {Mr Bojangles} subtitle = ##f subsubtitle = ##f instrument = ##f poet = ##f composer = ##f meter = ##f arranger = ##f tagline = ##f copyright = ##f piece = ##f opus = ##f } #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 18) \paper { } \score { %Start of Movement << %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Part 1" << \new Voice = "MvmntIVoiceI" { \clef treble \key g \major \time 3/4 \MvmntIVoiceI } %End of voice >> %End of Staff \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseI \MvmntIVoiceIVerseIContext \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseII \MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIContext \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIII \MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIIContext \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIV \MvmntIVoiceIVerseIVContext >> } %End of Movement