\version "2.21.0" \include "deutsch.ly" \pointAndClickOff % % Define all the music first % musicA = { \time 4/4 \key c \major \repeat unfold 20 { \relative c' { c4 d e f g a h c c h a g f e d g c1 } } \bar "|." } musicB = { \transpose c cis { \musicA } } musicC = { \transpose c d { \musicA } } musicD = { \transpose c es { \musicA } } musicE = { \transpose c f { \musicA } } % % Global paper definitions % \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 20\mm bottom-margin = 20\mm line-width = 170\mm left-margin = 20\mm ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##t print-page-number = ##t page-breaking = #ly:optimal-breaking } #(set-global-staff-size 18) % % The collection including title page ... % \book{ \bookOutputSuffix "Collection" \bookpart { \markup { \column { \vspace #5.0 \fill-line { \fontsize #18 "Titelpage" } \vspace #3.0 \fill-line { \fontsize #4.0 "This is an example." } } } } \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##f } \markup { \column { \vspace #5.0 \fill-line { \fontsize #4.0 "Page 2: empty, without pagenumber!" } } } } \bookpart { \paper { system-count = #12 } \header { title = "Title A" subtitle = "Subtitle A" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicA } \layout { indent = 0.0 } } } \bookpart { \paper { system-count = #14 } \header { title = "Title B" subtitle = "Subtitle B" composer = "Fred Mbogo" } \score { \new Staff { \musicB } \layout { indent = 5.0 } } } \bookpart { \paper { system-count = #16 } \header { title = "Title C" subtitle = "Subtitle C" composer = "Fred Feuerstein" } \score { \new Staff { \musicC } \layout { indent = 10.0 } } } \bookpart { \paper { system-count = #18 } \header { title = "Title D" subtitle = "Subtitle D" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicD } \layout { indent = 15.0 } } } \bookpart { \paper { system-count = #20 } \header { title = "Title E" subtitle = "Subtitle E" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicE } \layout { indent = 20.0 } } } \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##f } \include "otherfile.ly" \markup { \column { \vspace #5.0 \fill-line { \fontsize #4.0 "Last page" } } } } } % % Use scheme if you want to do some postprocessing .... % #(system "pdfbook --short-edge --landscape --suffix 'sig4' --quiet --pdftitle 'Collection' \ --pdfauthor 'Fred Foobar' --pdfsubject 'My famous collection' \ --pdfkeywords 'Collection, Fred Foobar' 4Joram-Collection.pdf") % % Now produce ndividual pdfs % \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piece-A" \paper { system-count = #12 } \header { title = "Title A" subtitle = "Subtitle A" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicA } \layout { indent = 0.0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piece-B" \paper { system-count = #14 } \header { title = "Title B" subtitle = "Subtitle B" composer = "Fred Mbogo" } \score { \new Staff { \musicB } \layout { indent = 5.0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piece-C" \paper { system-count = #16 } \header { title = "Title C" subtitle = "Subtitle C" composer = "Fred Feuerstein" } \score { \new Staff { \musicC } \layout { indent = 10.0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piece-D" \paper { system-count = #18 } \header { title = "Title D" subtitle = "Subtitle D" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicD } \layout { indent = 15.0 } } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Piece-E" \paper { system-count = #20 } \header { title = "Title E" subtitle = "Subtitle E" composer = "Fred Foobar" } \score { \new Staff { \musicE } \layout { indent = 20.0 } } }