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Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.

From: mason
Subject: Re: Lilypond & Halfdiminished/Diminished symbols.
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2018 23:40:40 -0700
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180622-66-b94505-dirty

Forgot to copy list.

On 08/06, address@hidden wrote:
> On 08/06, address@hidden wrote:
> > Sure, but from a programming point of view it is better to have all
> > characters the same size, then if in the exponent or subscript then shrink
> > them.
> That makes sense when rendering characters in general, which is what \markup 
> is for and how it behaves. What we're discussing is a tool for roman numeral 
> analysis, and in roman numeral analysis the diminished and half-diminished 
> symbols are always superscripts. The syntax is well-optimized for normal 
> usage. I wouldn't want to have to specify that half diminished symbol as a 
> superscript when the superscript position should be the default placement.
> > It is my personal choice to use it like that regardless of what the
> > Conservatoire requires.
> > I sometime need the half diminished and diminished as the only character
> Then it's a good thing that David shared his code as free (as in freedom[1]) 
> software, so that it can be modified for your unique use case. Even without 
> understanding Scheme, it wasn't too hard for me to copy/paste/modify the 
> functions for "h" and "o" to create "H" and "O" which produce larger versions 
> of the symbol while leaving "h" and "o" intact for normal usage. If you wish, 
> you can tweak the size of the symbols further by experimenting with the 
> numbers in the paragraphs beginning with "#(define 
> (make-diminished-large-markup font-size)" and "#(define 
> (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size)".
> The modified file is attached, and example usage is below.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> \version "2.19.82"
> \language "english"
> \include "roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily"
> bassline = \relative c' {
>   \key c \minor
>   \clef bass
>   c, b c d |
>   ef f g c, |
> }
> analysis = \lyricmode {
>   \markup \rN { i } 
>   \markup \rN { O 7 }
>   \markup \rN { i } 
>   \markup \rN { V 6 4 }
>   \markup \rN { i 6 } 
>   \markup \rN { H 6 5 }
>   \markup \rN { V }
>   \markup \rN { i }
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff <<
>     \new Voice = "bass" { \bassline }
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \analysis }
>   >>
> } 
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Mason
> [1]

> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% A function to create Roman numerals for harmonic analysis.
> %%
> %% Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... }
> %%
> %% List symbols in this order (as needed): Roman numeral (or note name),
> %% quality, inversion figures from top to bottom, "/" (if a secondary
> %% function), Roman numeral (or note name).  Usually, you can skip unnecessary
> %% items, though a spacer may be needed in some cases.  Use "" instead of the
> %% initial symbol to start with the quality or inversion, for example.  
> Elements
> %% must be separated by whitespace.
> %%
> %% Notenames are represented by their English LilyPond names.  In addition, 
> you
> %% may capitalize the name for a capitalized note name.
> %%
> %% Preceding a string representing a Roman numeral with English alterations
> %% (f, flat, s, sharp, ff, flatflat, ss, x, sharpsharp, natural)
> %% will attach accidentals, for example, "fVII" -> flat VII; "sharpvi" -> 
> sharp vi.
> %% You may precede inversion numbers with alterations, though "+" is not
> %% presently supported.
> %%
> %% Qualities: use "o" for diminished, "h" for half-diminished, "+" for 
> augmented,
> %% and "f" for flat.  Other indications are possible such as combinations of 
> "M"
> %% and "m" (M, m, MM7, Mm, mm, Mmm9, etc.); add, add6, etc.
> %%
> %% To scale all numerals: \override  LyricText #'font-size = #2
> %% or \override  TextScript #'font-size = #2
> %% To scale individual numerals: \markup \override #'(font-size . 2) \rN { 
> ... }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE APPROACH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% In our approach, a Roman numeral consists of
> %% 1. A "base".  OPTIONAL. This may be a Roman numeral (some combination of 
> I, i, V,
> %% and v, unenforced); a note name; or some other string.  Roman numerals may 
> be
> %% preceded by an accidental, and a note name may be followed by one.
> %% 2. a quality indicator.  OPTIONAL.  Eventually, this will simply be 
> something to
> %% set as a superscript following the base, whether or not it is actually a
> %% indicator of quality.
> %% 3. A single inversion number, or more than one, to be set as a column.  
> %% An initial accidental is supported.  (This will be extended to "anything 
> you want
> %% to appear in a column after the quality indicator.")
> %% 4. "/" followed by a "secondary base" for indicating tonicization.  
> %% As with 1. this may a Roman numeral or note name, and may include an 
> accidental.
> %% The input syntax is chosen to be friendly to the user rather than the 
> computer.
> %% In particular, the user usually need only type the symbols needed when
> %% reading the analytical symbol aloud.  This is not perfect: spacers
> %% may be necessary for omissions.  Additionally, we try to interpret symbols
> %% without requiring extra semantic indicators: i.e., figure out whether a 
> string
> %% represents a Roman numeral or a note name without the user adding an extra 
> sign.
> %% In the future, indicators might prove necessary to resolve ambiguity: 
> along with
> %% a flag to distinguish Roman numeral from note name, braces to enclose 
> inversion
> %% figures may be useful.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT FORMATTING 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% The user's input is available as a list of strings.  Here we convert this
> %% list into a nested list which describes the structure of the input.
> #(define (split-list symbols splitter-list)
>    "Split a list of strings by a splitter which is a member of a list of
> potential splitters.  The splitter may be alone or part of a string.
> input is split into
> @code{(( ...strings up to splitter... ) ( ...strings beginning with 
> splitter... ))}
> This function is Used to split notation for secondary chords and to isolate
> inversion numbers."
>    (let loop ((sym symbols) (result '()))
>      (cond
>       ((or (null? sym)
>            (find (lambda (y) (string-contains (car sym) y)) splitter-list))
>        (list (reverse result) sym))
>       (else (loop (cdr sym) (cons (car sym) result))))))
> #(define numbers '("2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "11" "13"))
> #(define qualities
>    ;; only to allow omission of base when quality is alone
>    ;; TODO--combinations of M and m, add, ADD . . .
>    '("o" "+" "h" "O" "H"))
> #(define (base-and-quality arg)
>    (let ((len (length arg)))
>      (cond
>       ((= 0 len) '(() ()))
>       ((= 1 len)
>        (if (find (lambda (y) (string= (car arg) y)) qualities)
>            (list '() (list (car arg)))
>            (list (list (car arg)) '()))) ;; TODO figure out which is given
>       ((= 2 len) (list (list (car arg)) (cdr arg))))))
> #(define (base-quality-figures symbols)
>    ;; given (vii o 4 3) --> ((vii o) (4 3)) --> ((vii) (o) (4 3))
>    ;; (4 3) --> (() (4 3)) --> (() () (4 3))
>    ;; () --> (() ()) --> (() () ())
>    (let* ((split-by-numbers (split-list symbols numbers))
>           (b-and-q (base-and-quality (car split-by-numbers))))
>      (append b-and-q (cdr split-by-numbers))))
> #(define (parse-input input)
>    (let (;; (vii o 4 3 / ii) --> ((vii o 4 3) (/ ii))
>           (split (split-list input '("/"))))
>      ;; --> ( ((vii) (o) (4 3)) (/ ii) )
>      (append
>       (list (base-quality-figures (car split)))
>       (cdr split))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE NAMES / ACCIDENTALS 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% Formatting the input into interpretable lists continues here.  We are now
> %% concerned with distinguishing Roman numerals from note names, and with 
> representing
> %% the presence and position of accidentals.
> %% If a string belongs to the list of possible English notenames, we assume 
> that
> %% it is a note name.  The note name will be typeset as uppercase or 
> lowercase depending
> %% on the capitalization of the input string.
> %% If a string is not a note name, we look for an alteration prefix, never a 
> suffix.
> %% The procedure parse-string-with-accidental breaks a string into a list 
> representing
> %% initial/terminal alterations and what is left.
> %% Notenames and names of accidentals are based on English names.  Other
> %% languages may be used by adding variables modeled after english-note names 
> and
> %% english-alterations, and changing the definitions of note names and 
> alterations to
> %% point to these new variables.
> #(define english-note-names
>    (map (lambda (p) (symbol->string (car p)))
>      (assoc-get 'english language-pitch-names)))
> #(define note-names english-note-names)
> #(define (note-name? str)
>    (let ((lowercased (format #f "~(~a~)" str)))
>      (list? (member lowercased note-names))))
> %% Groupings sharing an initial character are arranged in descending length 
> so there
> %% is no need to search for longest match in parse-string-with-accidental.
> #(define english-alterations
>    '("flatflat" "flat" "ff" "f"
>       "sharpsharp" "sharp" "ss" "s" "x"
>       "natural" "n"))
> #(define alterations english-alterations)
> #(define (parse-note-name str)
>    "Given a note name, return a list consisting of the general name followed 
> by
> the alteration or @code{#f} if none."
>    (let* ((first-char (string-take str 1))
>           (all-but-first (string-drop str 1))
>           (all-but-first (if (string-prefix? "-" all-but-first)
>                              (string-drop all-but-first 1)
>                              all-but-first))
>           (all-but-first (if (string-null? all-but-first) #f all-but-first)))
>      (list first-char all-but-first)))
> #(define (parse-string-with-accidental str)
>    "Given @var{str}, return a list in this format: (initial-accidental?
> note-name-or-figure-or-RN terminal-accidental?) If an accidental is found, 
> include
> its string, otherwise @code{#t}."
>    (if (not (string-null? str))
>        (if (note-name? str)
>            (cons #f (parse-note-name str))
>            ;; Is it a Roman numeral or figure preceded (or followed) by an 
> accidental?
>            (let* ((accidental-prefix
>                    (find (lambda (s) (string-prefix? s str)) alterations))
>                   (accidental-suffix
>                    (find (lambda (s) (string-suffix? s str)) alterations))
>                   (rest (cond
>                          (accidental-prefix
>                           (string-drop str (string-length accidental-prefix)))
>                          (accidental-suffix
>                           (string-drop-right str (string-length 
> accidental-suffix)))
>                          (else str))))
>              (list accidental-prefix rest accidental-suffix)))))
> %{
> #(define (inversion? str)
>    "Check to see if a string contains a digit.  If so, it is an inversion 
> figure."
>    (not (char-set=
>          char-set:empty
>          (char-set-intersection (string->char-set str) char-set:digit))))
> %}
> %% We need to add extra space after certain characters in the default LilyPond
> %% font to avoid overlaps with characters that follow.  Several of these 
> kernings
> %% don't seem to be necessary anymore, and have been commented out.
> #(define (get-extra-kerning arg)
>    (let ((last-char (string-take-right arg 1)))
>      (cond
>       ((string= last-char "V") 0.1)
>       ((string= last-char "f") 0.2)
>       ;((string= last-char "s") 0.2) ; sharp
>       ;((string= last-char "x") 0.2) ; double-sharp
>       ;((string= last-char "ss") 0.2) ; double-sharp
>       (else 0.0))))
> %% Create accidentals with appropriate vertical positioning.
> #(define make-accidental-markup
>    `(("f" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-flat-markup)))
>      ("flat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-flat-markup)))
>      ("ff" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doubleflat-markup)))
>      ("flatflat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN 
> (make-doubleflat-markup)))
>      ("s" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-sharp-markup)))
>      ("sharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-sharp-markup)))
>      ("ss" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doublesharp-markup)))
>      ("x" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (make-doublesharp-markup)))
>      ("sharpsharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN 
> (make-doublesharp-markup)))
>      ("n" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-natural-markup)))
>      ("natural" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6 (make-natural-markup)))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BASE MARKUP 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define (make-base-markup base scaling-factor)
>    (let* ((base-list (parse-string-with-accidental base))
>           (init-acc (first base-list))
>           (end-acc (last base-list))
>           (extra-space-right (get-extra-kerning (second base-list))))
>      (cond
>       (init-acc
>        (make-concat-markup
>         (list
>          (make-fontsize-markup -3
>            (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup init-acc))
>          (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))
>          (second base-list))))
>       (end-acc
>        (make-concat-markup
>         (list
>          (second base-list)
>          (make-hspace-markup (* (+ 0.2 extra-space-right) scaling-factor))
>          (make-fontsize-markup -3
>            (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup end-acc)))))
>       (else
>        (if (> extra-space-right 0.0)
>            (make-concat-markup
>             (list
>              base
>              (make-hspace-markup (* extra-space-right scaling-factor))))
>            base)))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QUALITY 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %% Symbols representing diminished, half-diminished, and augmented qualities 
> are
> %% drawn to rest atop of baseline (alignment direction = DOWN), and moved by
> %% make-quality-markup to their final vertical position.  They are tailored to
> %% the font-size (-3) of the ultimate caller (\rN -- default font-size = 1).
> %% These symbols are drawn from scratch to allow for customization.  should we
> %% simply use symbols from a font?
> #(define (make-diminished-markup font-size)
>    "Create circle markup for diminished quality."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (r (* 0.48 scaling-factor))
>           (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor)))
>      (make-translate-markup
>       (cons r r)
>       (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f))))
> #(define (make-diminished-large-markup font-size)
>    "Create circle markup for diminished quality."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (r (* 0.7 scaling-factor))
>           (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor)))
>      (cons r r)
>      (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f)))
> #(define (make-half-diminished-markup font-size)
>    "Create slashed circle markup for half-diminished quality."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (x (* 0.56 scaling-factor))
>           (y (* 0.56 scaling-factor))
>           (r (* 0.48 scaling-factor))
>           (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor)))
>      (make-translate-markup
>       (cons x y)
>       (make-combine-markup
>        (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f)
>        (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor)
>          (make-combine-markup
>           (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) (- y)))
>           (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y))))))))
> #(define (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size)
>    "Create slashed circle markup for half-diminished quality."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (x (* 0.8 scaling-factor))
>           (y (* 0.8 scaling-factor))
>           (r (* 0.7 scaling-factor))
>           (th (* 0.1 scaling-factor)))
>      (cons x y)
>      (make-combine-markup
>       (make-draw-circle-markup r th #f)
>       (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor)
>         (make-combine-markup
>          (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) (- y)))
>          (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y)))))))
> % Noticeably thinner than "+" from font -- change?
> #(define (make-augmented-markup font-size)
>    "Create cross markup for augmented quality."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (x (* 0.56 scaling-factor))
>           (y (* 0.56 scaling-factor)))
>      (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,scaling-factor)
>        (make-translate-markup (cons x y)
>          (make-combine-markup
>           (make-combine-markup
>            (make-draw-line-markup (cons (- x) 0))
>            (make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 (- y))))
>           (make-combine-markup
>            (make-draw-line-markup (cons x 0))
>            (make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 y))))))))
> %% TODO: more "science" in the vertical position of quality markers.
> #(define (make-quality-markup quality font-size offset)
>    (cond
>     ;; The quantity 'offset' by itself will cause symbol to rest on the 
> midline.  We
>     ;; enlarge offset so that the symbol will be more centered alongside a 
> possible
>     ;; figure.  (Topmost figure rests on midline.)
>     ((string= quality "o") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) 
> (make-diminished-markup font-size)))
>     ((string= quality "O") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) 
> (make-diminished-large-markup font-size)))
>     ((string= quality "h") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) 
> (make-half-diminished-markup font-size)))
>     ((string= quality "H") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) 
> (make-half-diminished-large-markup font-size)))
>     ((string= quality "+") (make-raise-markup (* offset 1.25) 
> (make-augmented-markup font-size)))
>     (else (make-raise-markup offset (make-fontsize-markup font-size 
> quality)))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIGURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define (make-figure-markup font-size)
>    `(("f" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-flat-markup))))
>      ("ff" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doubleflat-markup))))
>      ("flat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN
>                   (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-flat-markup))))
>      ("flatflat" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y DOWN
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doubleflat-markup))))
>      ("s" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-sharp-markup))))
>      ("x" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup))))
>      ("ss" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup))))
>      ("sharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6
>                    (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-sharp-markup))))
>      ("sharpsharp" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.9
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-doublesharp-markup))))
>      ("+" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -1.5 (make-augmented-markup (+ 
> font-size 2))))
>      ("n" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6
>                (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-natural-markup))))
>      ("natural" . ,(make-general-align-markup Y -0.6
>                      (make-fontsize-markup font-size (make-natural-markup))))
>      ))
> #(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
> #(define (hyphen-to-en-dash str)
>    (string-regexp-substitute "-" "–" str))
> %% Regular expression for splitting figure strings into words, digits, and 
> connector characters.
> #(define figure-regexp (make-regexp 
> "[[:alpha:]]+|[[:digit:]]+|[^[:alnum:]]+"))
> #(define (format-figures figures font-size)
>    (let ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size)))
>      (map (lambda (fig)
>             (let* ((parsed-fig (map match:substring (list-matches 
> figure-regexp fig)))
>                    ;; Conversion causes character encoding problem with 
> Frescobaldi
>                    ;; if done before applying regexp
>                    (parsed-fig (map hyphen-to-en-dash parsed-fig)))
>               (reduce
>                (lambda (elem prev) (make-concat-markup (list prev elem)))
>                empty-markup
>                (map (lambda (f)
>                       (let ((alteration
>                              (assoc-ref (make-figure-markup (- font-size 2)) 
> f)))
>                         (make-concat-markup
>                          (list
>                           (if alteration alteration (make-fontsize-markup 
> font-size f))
>                           ;; TODO: don't add space at the end
>                           (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))))))
>                  parsed-fig))))
>        figures)))
> #(define (make-figures-markup figures font-size offset)
>    ;; Without offset the column of figures would be positioned such that the
>    ;; topmost figure rests on the baseline. Adding offset causes the upper 
> figure
>    ;; to rest on the midline of base.
>    (let ((formatted-figures (format-figures figures -3)))
>      (make-override-markup `(baseline-skip . ,(* 1.4 (magstep font-size)))
>        (make-raise-markup offset
>          (make-right-column-markup formatted-figures)))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SECONDARY RN 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define (make-secondary-markup second-part scaling-factor)
>    (make-concat-markup
>     (list
>      (car second-part)
>      (if (string-null? (cadr second-part))
>          empty-markup
>          (make-concat-markup
>           (list
>            (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))
>            (if (car (parse-string-with-accidental (cadr second-part)))
>                (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))
>                empty-markup)
>            (make-base-markup (cadr second-part) scaling-factor)))))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SYNTHESIS 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define-markup-command (rN layout props symbols) (markup-list?)
>    #:properties ((font-size 1))
>    "Create a symbol for Roman numeral analysis from a @var{symbols}, a list
> of strings."
>    (let* ((parsed-input (parse-input symbols))
>           (first-part (car parsed-input))
>           (second-part (cadr parsed-input)) ; slash and what follows
>           (base (car first-part))
>           (quality (cadr first-part))
>           (figures (caddr first-part))
>           ;; A multiplier for scaling quantities measured in staff-spaces to
>           ;; reflect font-size delta.  Spacing between elements is currently
>           ;; controlled by the magstep of the rN font-size.
>           (scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (base-markup
>            (if (or (null? base) (string-null? (car base))) ; "" used as spacer
>                #f
>                (make-base-markup (car base) scaling-factor)))
>           ;; The height of figures and quality determined by midline of base. 
>  If
>           ;; there is no base, use forward slash as a representative 
> character.
>           (dy (* 0.5
>                 (interval-length
>                  (ly:stencil-extent
>                   (interpret-markup
>                    layout props (if (markup? base-markup)
>                                     base-markup "/"))
>                   Y))))
>           (quality-markup
>            (if (null? quality)
>                #f
>                (make-concat-markup
>                 (list
>                  (make-hspace-markup (* 0.1 scaling-factor))
>                  (make-quality-markup (car quality) -3 dy)))))
>           (figures-markup
>            (if (null? figures)
>                #f
>                (make-concat-markup
>                 (list (make-hspace-markup (* 0.1 scaling-factor))
>                   (make-figures-markup figures font-size dy)))))
>           (secondary-markup
>            (if (null? second-part)
>                #f
>                (make-concat-markup
>                 (list
>                  (if (= (length figures) 1)
>                      ;; allows slash to tuck under if single figure
>                      (make-hspace-markup (* -0.2 scaling-factor))
>                      ;; slightly more space given to slash
>                      (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor)))
>                  (make-secondary-markup second-part scaling-factor)))))
>           (visible-markups
>            (filter markup?
>                    (list base-markup quality-markup figures-markup 
> secondary-markup))))
>      (interpret-markup layout props
>        (make-concat-markup visible-markups))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEY INDICATIONS 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define-markup-command (keyIndication layout props arg) (markup?)
>    #:properties ((font-size 1))
>    "Create a key indicator consisting of a English note name followed by a
> colon.  Whitespace after the note name will be included in the returned 
> markup."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (divide-at-spaces (string-match "([^[:space:]]+)([[:space:]]+)$" 
> arg))
>           (base (if divide-at-spaces
>                     (match:substring divide-at-spaces 1)
>                     arg))
>           (trailing-spaces (if divide-at-spaces
>                                (match:substring divide-at-spaces 2)
>                                empty-markup)))
>      (interpret-markup layout props
>        (make-concat-markup
>         (list
>          (make-base-markup base scaling-factor)
>          (make-hspace-markup (* 0.2 scaling-factor))
>          ":"
>          trailing-spaces)))))
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SCALE DEGREES 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> #(define (parse-scale-degree str alteration-list)
>    "Given @var{str}, return a list in this format: (name-of-alteration-or-#f 
> degree)."
>    (if (not (string-null? str))
>        (let* ((alteration
>                (find (lambda (s) (string-prefix? s str)) alteration-list))
>               (rest (if alteration
>                         (string-drop str (string-length alteration))
>                         str)))
>          (list alteration rest))))
> #(define (hat font-size)
>    "Draw a caret for use with scale degrees."
>    (let* ((scaling-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (x (* 0.25 scaling-factor))
>           (y x)
>           (th scaling-factor))
>      (make-override-markup `(thickness . ,th)
>        (make-combine-markup
>         (make-draw-line-markup (cons x y))
>         (make-translate-markup (cons x y)
>           (make-draw-line-markup (cons x (- y))))))))
> #(define-markup-command (scaleDegree layout props degree) (markup?)
>    #:properties ((font-size 1))
>    "Return a digit topped by a caret to represent a scale degree.  
> Alterations may
> be added by prefacing @var{degree} with an English alteration."
>    (let* ((scale-factor (magstep font-size))
>           (caret (hat font-size))
>           (degree-list (parse-scale-degree degree english-alterations))
>           (alteration (car degree-list))
>           (number (cadr degree-list))
>           (alteration-markup (assoc-ref make-accidental-markup alteration))
>           (alteration-markup
>            (if alteration-markup
>                (make-fontsize-markup -3 alteration-markup)
>                alteration-markup))
>           (number-and-caret
>            (make-general-align-markup Y DOWN
>              (make-override-markup `(baseline-skip . ,(* 1.7 scale-factor))
>                (make-center-column-markup
>                 (list
>                  caret
>                  number))))))
>      (interpret-markup layout props
>        (if alteration-markup
>            (make-concat-markup (list
>                                 alteration-markup
>                                 number-and-caret))
>            number-and-caret))))

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