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Re: Define new articulation with markup or path (instead of glyph)

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Define new articulation with markup or path (instead of glyph)
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2018 00:00:34 +0200
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Hi Harm,

sorry, I forgot to reply to that until now.

Am 12.10.2018 um 14:35 schrieb Thomas Morley:
Hi Urs,

sorry for the late reply.
Right now I've a cold (not working in my regular job), so I've more
time to look into lilypond-tasks.
While waiting for a guile-complie to finish...

Am So., 30. Sep. 2018 um 12:01 Uhr schrieb Urs Liska <address@hidden>:

Creating a new articulation (or overwriting the definition of an existing one) 
seems tempting using something like

     #(append! default-script-alist
            . ((script-stencil . (feta . ("dfermata" . "ufermata")))
               ; any other properties
               (toward-stem-shift-in-column . 0.0)
               (padding . 1)
               (avoid-slur . around)
               (direction . ,UP)

     % create postfix commands to use the articulations
     downbow = #(make-articulation "scriptDownbow")

This successfully makes \downbow use the fermata instead of the regular glyph. 
However, it seems there's no way to make that use a markup or a path instead of 
an Emmentaler glyph (if this old information 
( still holds true).
Still true.
As long as you try to fill "script-stencil" you are limited to the
script-glyphs Emmentaler provides.
But there is no need to go for script-stencil, you may let it unset
and define only stencil, perhaps with different result for up/down.
See below.

That is good to know. I think this would make for a very useful tutorial post, explaining things a bit more in-depth so others (like me) may become somewhat more familiar with the stuff.

So, is there any reasonable way to create something (function, articulation, 
dynamics) with the following characteristics:

can be written like articulations/dynamics (i.e. with or without postfix 
can be forced to a common vertical baseline with other elements
pushes notecolumns to obtain the necessary space (like \textLengthOn does for 


Any advice would be appreciated!
In the code below two new articulations are defined: path and polygon.
The polygon-definition is after a idea by Torsten, I even extended it
a bit. Probably too complicated for a simple

Probably right, but nevertheless I managed to boil it down to do (only) what I currently need.

Nevertheless here all the code:

\version "2.19.82"

%% Not sure if needed, though, better be paranoid and work on a copy of
%% default-script-alist to avoid possible bleed-over.
#(define my-script-alist default-script-alist)

Except that this doesn't *create* a copy but only a reference, isn't it? So your changes to my-script-alist also affect default-script-alist.


Indeed, thank you very much. Here's my solution, I created the "strich" articulation:

#(define strich-stencil
   (lambda (grob)
     (grob-interpret-markup grob
         #`((moveto 0 0)
            (lineto 0 0.75))

#(define strich-list
   `("strich" .
      ((avoid-slur . inside)
       (padding . 0.5)
       (stencil . ,strich-stencil)
       (side-relative-direction . ,DOWN))))

%% A macro setting the lists from above in the copy of `default-script-alist´
%% For now, every new script has to be inserted in a single run.
%% Probably better to do simpler list processing with append, cons etc
#(define-macro (set-my-script-alist! ls-1 ls-2)
   "Creates a new key-value-pair, taken from ls-2, in ls-1"
   `(set! ,ls-1
          (if (and (pair? ,ls-2) (pair? (cadr ,ls-2)))
              (assoc-set! ,ls-1 (car ,ls-2) (cdr ,ls-2))
               (ly:warning (_"Unsuitable list\n\t~a \n\tdetected, ignoring. ") 

#(set-my-script-alist! default-script-alist strich-list)

\layout {
  \context {
    scriptDefinitions = #default-script-alist

strich = #(make-articulation "strich")


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