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prg2lout and 8-bit characters

From: Michael Piotrowski
Subject: prg2lout and 8-bit characters
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 23:51:23 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.090004 (Oort Gnus v0.04) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)


While formatting a document containing program listings (Perl, using
Lout 3.25 on HP-UX) I just noticed that prg2lout seems to suppress
8-bit characters in strings (and comments, etc.), although, quickly
browsing the source, it seems that they're *intended* to be allowed:
PerlDoubleQuoteStringToken specifies AllCharacters, the interpretation
of which in SetupOneToken() refers to MAX_CHAR, which is 256.

In actual operation, however, I'm getting messages like

  skipping unprintable character, octal code 37777777744
  (not allowed in ""-string)

and the character disappears from the output.

Just for testing I changed AllCharacters to AllPrintable in
PerlDoubleQuoteStringToken, and added an 8-bit character to its
definition: *Now* this character is recognized and output.

Could this be a bug somewhere in the handling of AllCharacters? Any

Thanks and greetings

Michael Piotrowski, M.A.                                  <address@hidden>

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