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From: Michael Ritzert
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 08:39:28 +0100

   On Tue, 25 Mar 1997 address@hidden wrote:

   > I have been refused access to some web sites with a message that I am
   > not using the appropriate browser (?). Any suggestions or help sites? 

I'm not sure if You were precise enough. I'm getting refused by some
servers telling my my browser did not support frames. Was this also
the reason why You were rejected? BTW, i'm running lynx 2.7 which can
deal with frames (Suggestion, on topic LYNX_DEV: could be slightly and
possibly quickly improved by displaying also the URLs in the frames.)

OFF-TOPIC again:

   There are a few things you can do, and I'm sure someone on the list will
   correct me if I'm wrong..

   1) Change the User (A)gent in the (O)ptions of Lynx (something like
      Mozilla 3.0 compatible or change the spacing in Lynx - be warned,
      Netscape don't like this)

   2) E-mail the owner of the site (usually address@hidden) asking why, and
      seeing if they will modify their server so that text based clients can
      get in..

Don't expect too much of this, ignorance is widespread.

   3) Give us a URL to look at :>

   4) Convince your sysadmins to move to Lynx 2.7, its got quite a few bug
      patches etc compared to 2.5, or download the source, and compile it

See above.

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